You can Sneak + Right-click to edit the sign which is already placed! (only if you have "editablesign.edit" permission and WorldGuard allows you to "USE" or "INTERACT")
You can also edit Essentials' signs ([Sell], [Buy], [Disposal], etc.)
This plugin is based on libraryadict's previous work (SignMagic). He has been contacted and was ok about adding 1.8 support as well as WorldGuard support.
The support for the plugin is provided here.
- /es : toggle between editable and non-editable mode
- /es help : displays a help menu
- /es reload : reloads config.yml
- editablesign.edit : allows a player to edit a sign
- editablesign.colorsign,
- editablesign.colorsign.[color|format|magic] : allows a player to use colored sign.
- editablesign.colorsign.rgb : allows a player to use rgb.
- editablesign.admin: bypasses the cooldown restriction
- editablesign.<region_name> : allows a player to edit a sign in the <region_name> world guard region.
- ASkyBlock
- BSkyBlock
- Factions
- FactionsUUID
- Feudal
- GriefPrevention,
- Kingdoms
- LegacyFactions
- NovaGuilds
- PlotMe
- PlotSquared (v3, v4, v5)
- Plotz
- PreciousStone
- RedProtect
- Residence
- Towny
- uSkyBlock
- WorldGuard v6
- WorldGuard v7
- OwnershipCheck : when this module is enabled, the sign will remember who placed it (without rely on an external data storage) and only the owner of the sign can edit.
- Untouchable : You can specify keywords to indicate non-editable signs.
- Relocate : This add-on will allow you to break the sign you wish to relocate and simply place it again at wherever you wish to relocate it to.
in German
It would be greatly appreciated for your donation to continue providing support for this plugin (PayPal: [email protected])
ErrorMsg: "&c[ES] : Some error occured."
CooldownMsg : "&b[ES] you need to wait for &e%remaining% &bseconds until next edit."
ConfigReloaded: "&a[ES] Success: config file is reloaded."
ESOff: "&a[ES] You're no longer in Sign Edit mode."
ESOn: "&a[ES] You're now in Sign Edit mode."
NoSuchCommand: "&c[ES] No such command!"
msg: "=== &e[&aEditableSign Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
msg: "&a/es help : displays this help menu."
msg: "&a/es reload : reloads config file."
permission: "EditableSign.reload"
msg: "&a/es debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
permission: "EditableSign.debug"
- "es"
# this option is for the target outlet of the messages to go. Previously, they were all sent to chat.
Title: false
SubTitle: false
ActionBar: true
Chat: true
# the use of WorldGuard,
# player needs to have WorldGuard region flag USE = allow to edit the sign
WorldGuard: true
# Use specific WorldGuard Region name for allowing edit?
UseRegionName: true
Regions: []
# number of seconds the newly edited sign will be non editable.
#SignCoolDown: 1800
SignCoolDown: 0
# number of seconds, until next time you can edit a sign.
#WriteCoolDown: 600
WriteCoolDown: 0
# log .. if this is true, the author and changed content will be push to the log
Logging: false
# if this option is "true" you will be in the edit mode by default
DefaultInEdit: false
# adjust these event priority if those event processes from this plugin
# interfere with other plugins' event processes.
PlayerInteractEvent: "LOWEST"
PlayerJoinEvent: "HIGHEST"
PlayerQuitEvent: "HIGHEST"
SignChangeEvent: "MONITOR"
BlockBreakEvent: "MONITOR"
BlockPlaceEvent: "MONITOR"
# event type
ClickMode: RIGHT # or LEFT
# use of sneak
UseSneak: true
# if a user try to type blacklisted terms, they will be replaced by
# "BlacklistReplacement".
BlacklistReplacement: "**"
- "(?i)\\[buy\\]"
- "(?i)\\[sell\\]"
# any signs containing the listed words cannot be edited.
- "(?i)\\[buy\\]"
- "(?i)\\[sell\\]"