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1.5.6 Apr 18, 2024

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20.4 Support
  2. Huge Overhaul of particle system and other parts of the plugin


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.5.5 Oct 17, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20.2 Support
    You can now define if explode effect breaks blocks
  3. Added option to disable boss egg stacking in the config.yml
    do-spawn-eggs-stack: false
  4. Fixed error with CAGE effect
  5. Fixed error with MIRROR effect
  6. Fixed error with TELEPORT effect
  7. Updated a bunch of old dependencies including faction support


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.5.4 Jun 29, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with HolographicDisplays support not working
  2. Fixed error with chunk load event


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.5.3 Jun 25, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20 Support
  2. Updated outdated dependencies
  3. Fixed BlockData issue with CAGE effect (wool etc. losing it's colour)
  4. Fixed issue with entities like HUSK etc. not being recognised by the plugin


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.5.2 May 10, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Updated HolographicDisplays Support
  2. Fixed issue with Teleport effect causing errors
  3. Fixed error with Mirror effect


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.5.1 Mar 16, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with scoreboard being removed from other plugins when you teleport


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.5.0 Feb 14, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Fixed another error the chunk loading


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.9 Feb 14, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added SMITE effect - Spawns lightning that attacks targets, you can select a radius aswell
  2. Fixed issue with autospawn mobs being remove on chunk unload


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.8 Feb 14, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Fixed the issue with Plugin not loading at all
  2. Fixed issue with bosses not being removed on reboot (this is a beta fix, please let me know if you experience any timings issues)
  3. Fixed issue with rewards throwing errors
  4. Massive Code cleanup


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.7 Oct 24, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed another issue with XMaterials not working with WineSpigot and other spigot forks that don't have log4j


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.6 Oct 1, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with Paper (or Paper Forks) not working with this plugin due to a library paper had removed


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.5 Aug 28, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.19.2 Support
  2. Added Spawn limit
    Limit the amount of bosses that can be spawned in your world via spawn eggs (will also count autospawn to limit but will bypass limit)
    Add spawn-limit: 5 etc. to config.yml
  3. Fixed issue with default autospawn config


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.4 Jun 25, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.19 Support
  2. Added TeleportBehind effect - Teleports the boss behind player facing them
  3. Fixed issue with Suffocate Effect
  4. Fixed some backend issues with delays


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.3 Apr 17, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with bosses who are dead still showing as active boss causing auto spawn to not spawn the boss anymore (not 100% so let me know if it's still broken)
  2. Fixed issue with HolographicDisplays support
  3. Fixed issue with Towny support


If you are up to date with my discord, you are aware I've been super busy this month and the month before but I plan on making more updates very soon :D
Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.2 Mar 29, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added a beta trail for a passively changing target system, so the boss will continuously switch it's target but it's beta since I don't know how well this will work
  2. Fixed issue with Skyblock support not allowing you spawn boss unless it's on your island which is the opposite of what I wanted to do


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.1 Mar 13, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with Cages not being removed
  2. Fixed issue with slime bosses and minions not despawning
  3. Fixed issue with slime bosses and minions being able to split
  4. Fixed issue with creeper bosses exploding


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.4.0 Mar 11, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.18.2 Support


Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.9 Feb 8, 2022
Change Log:
  • Fixed another NPE with the {PLAYER} placeholder... somehow there was another bug with it which didn't occur on my test server
Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.8 Feb 7, 2022
Change Log:
  • Added TELEPORT effect
    Teleport boss to target or first target in radius (Leave radius to teleport to active target)
  • Made it so POTION effect with radius works on mobs aswell now, not just players
  • Forgot to actually hook up the {PLAYER} placeholder for spawn method to call spawn message
Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.7 Feb 6, 2022
Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with modelData causing error on versions that don't have modelData
Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.6 Feb 5, 2022
Change Log:
  • Added modelData and name option to boss armor, now you can add custom models to the armor that bosses are wearing (modelData: 0 and name: "name")
  • Added {PLAYER} placeholder to boss spawn message
  • Added getSpawner() to BossSpawnEvent
  • Added isBaby option to boss, now if the boss is ageable and you have isBaby to true it will make it a baby
  • Added support for entity type: ANGRY_WOLF
  • Fixed issue with change based spawning not working if all percents were the same
  • Issue with Towny support has been fixed, thanks to FactionsBridge
Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.5 Dec 14, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Fixed bug causing the whole plugin to not work
  2. Fixed some issues with Suffocate effect on 1.18

Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.4 Dec 9, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added 1.18 Support
  2. Added HEX colour code support
  3. Fixed issue with SUFFOCATE effect dropping blocks
  4. Fixed issue with scoreboard breaking if you go through portal
  5. Fixed issue with bosses dropping unbreakable armor

Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.3 Oct 5, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added support for Trident and all other Projectile damage
    It will now update via damage dealt
  2. Fixed issue with Potion damage not being registered
  3. Fixed issue with Bow damage not being registered and causing errors if the boss was killed with one
  4. Fixed issues with bosses not spawning on time and having a delay via autospawn

It's Halloween, you know what that means...
I'm going to be releasing content based on Halloween for you to add to your servers, expect them in the next couple updates
Thank you and have a nice day <3

1.3.2 Sep 15, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added PARTICLE effect
    Types: normal, circle, spiral, ring
    normal: just a normal particle
    circle: a sphere of particles
    spiral: DNA style spiral of particles
    ring: a ring of particles
  2. Fixed issue with Boss Phases not working properly
  3. Fixed issue with phases not activating properly
  4. Removed new chunk system since it was causing lag
  5. Added new boss removal system, if the boss is still there after reboot and a player or entity tries to attack it then it will automatically be removed... it's a start m guess?

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