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2.3.2 7 days ago

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with 1.20+ Support
  2. Fixed issue with particle spawning
  3. Huge overhaul of the code

2.3.1 Feb 24, 2024

Change Log:

  1. Fixed error with Soul Gem initialization
  2. Fixed errors with DAMAGE effect
  3. Adjusted the logic behind a couple of enchantments
  4. Fixed issues with conditions not being checked properly with cooldowns
  5. Updated all libraries etc.

2.3.0 Dec 18, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20.4 Support
  2. Fixed issue with soul gems not being deactivated when you die

2.2.9 Dec 18, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with DISABLE_ENCHANTMENT
  2. Fixed issue with cooldowns
  3. Fixed issue with token generation for web panel

2.2.8 Dec 1, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20.2 Support
  2. Updated WorldGuard support
  3. Updated Dependencies
  4. Fixed issue with DISABLE_ENCHANTMENTS not working

2.2.7 Jun 10, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20 Support
  2. Added NBT tag to ignore slots lore being added to the item
    You can use EliteEnchantmentsAPI#getAPI#applySlotIgnore(itemStack) to apply it using the API
    Otherwise, you can add the nbt tag "SlotIgnore"
  3. Fixed issue with enchants being destroyed even if destroy was set to false in items.yml
  4. Fixed multiple issues with value parsing from conditions

2.2.6 May 31, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added EAT effect type (Trigger enchants when a player consumes an item)
  2. Added isPlayerSwimmingIn [LAVA/WATER] and isTargetSwimmingIn [LAVA/WATER] Condition
  3. Added isRaining Condition
  4. Added ability to change customModelData for every item in the items.yml
    Just add customModelData: 5 etc. to any item you want
  5. Fixed issue with players being able to enchant stacked items
  6. Fixed a bunch of issues with enchant parsing
  7. Fixed issue with TRIDENT effect type being misspelt to TRDIENT

2.2.5 Mar 22, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Fixed self loop error on startup
  2. Fixed issue with webpanel not generating token on /ee upload
  3. Fixed issue with webpanel where you couldn't create enchants, you should be able to create enchants without any issues.


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.2.4 Mar 15, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added STEAL_MONEY and STEAL_MONEY_PERCENT effects back
  2. Recoded SOUND effect logic so now it should work properly
  3. Fixed multiple issues with enchant parsing
  4. Fixed issue with transmog causing slots to break


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.2.3 Feb 16, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added new Slots system similar to TreasureWars
    Once enabled in the config.yml, when you click on a piece of armour if it does not already show the number of slots it will randomise the slots on the armour piece and show what the
    Make sure you replace the setting section in your config.yml with this (or regen config.yml): and change the false to true to enable this feature
  2. Added Slot Gem - When applied it increases the amount of slots on an armour piece by +1
    Make sure to add this into your items.yml before trying to give yourself one (or regen the items.yml)
  3. Added 1.19.3 Support
  4. Fixed multiple issues with the plugin
  5. Code cleanup and updates


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.2.1 Oct 24, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed another issue with XMaterial not working on WineSpigot and others that don't have log4j


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.2.0 Oct 3, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added FALL to effect type, so now you can check if a player has taken fall damage
  2. Fixed issue with DAMAGE_ARMOR effect not working
  3. Fixed issue with lang file being reset with /ee reload
  4. Fixed issue with Gkits not showing all items in preview, Please download the latest version of the Gkit addon


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.9 Oct 1, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed some issues with Paper (or Paper Forks) not working with my plugin due to a library being removed from Paper
  2. Added isTarget MOB option to check if a target is a mob


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system[/COLOR

2.1.8 Aug 28, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.19.2 Support
  2. Added TRIDENT enchant type
    TRIDENT will trigger once a player is hit with the trident
  3. Added Grindstone support
  4. Fixed dupe with alchemist
  5. Fixed dupe with enchant table


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.7 Jul 24, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Accdientally forgot to remove a unfinished feature from the release


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.6 Jul 24, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with WorldGuard support not triggering properly
  2. Fixed some issues with enchantment table mechanics
  3. Fixed bug with armor randomly applying passive effects if it was in your hand on join
  4. Fixed bug with enchants that require other enchants aren't able to apply if slots were full
  5. Fixed issue with default enchants with BREAKER not working


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.5 Jun 29, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed some issues with the enchanter not working randomly
  2. Updated soft dependencies
  3. Added info on how to create your own effects and conditions to the wiki:


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.4 Jun 28, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added isBlock [BLOCK] condition
  2. Added Food effect (Add/Remove food from a player)
  3. Fixed issue with conditions sometimes bugging out
  4. Fixed small dupe glitch I found (nothing serious)


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.3 Jun 25, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Recoded WAIT effect so it now actually works as intended (lots of work)
  2. Fixed issue with DAMAGE_ICREASE on bows
  3. Fixed issue with Whitescroll applying to anything


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.2 Jun 13, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.19 support
  2. Added holy-whitescroll to autocomplete
  3. Fixed issue with Holy Whitescroll not working on helmets
  4. Fixed issue with Holy Whitescroll not removing whitescroll (text) from item
  5. Fixed issue with TeleportBehind causing errors
  6. Fixed a dupe glitch (pretty rare and hard to re-create so don't worry about it)


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.1 May 11, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added isProtected condition to check if the item in your hand is protected
  2. Added some major adjustments to HELD effect
  3. Fixed issue with Factions causing errors if you don't have it enabled
  4. Fixed issue with Soul Gem particle causing a bunch of errors


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.1.0 Apr 26, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed dupe glitch with Alchemist, please update
  2. Fixed issue with Vault throwing error if not in the server


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.0.9 Apr 16, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Thanks to Zeddy, he has added a ton of new enchantments and made a ton of changes to the enchantments.yml
    New Enchantments:
    • Lumberjack - SIMPLE - A chance to break the entire tree [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Extinguish - SIMPLE - A chance to extinguish flames [Boots Enchantment, Max Level 2]
    • Leech - UNIQUE - A chance to gain saturation and give your opponent hunger [Weapon Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Uneasy - UNIQUE - A chance to confuse your opponent [Bow Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Slayer - ULTIMATE - A chance to instantly kill mobs [Weapon Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Cloak - LEGENDARY - A chance to become invisible for a short time while at low health [Armor Enchantment, Max Level 5]
    • Bitter Overwhelm - HEROIC - Chance to disable the enemy’s ability to inflict Reflective Block on you for 6s with every hit. Upon disabling, you will deal +level% Outgoing Damage. [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Endless Pummel - HEROIC - Tears Earth out of the ground and thrusts it at your enemy causing damage and slowness [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Dragon Forged - HEROIC - Cause MASSIVE durability damage to your enemies' gear and deal extra damage [Sword Enchantment, Max Level 4]
  2. Fixed Multiple typos in a few enchantment lores
  3. Fixed Silence, Demonforged, Ender Walker, Arrow Break, Pacify, Solitude, + Perfect Solitude enchantments using the incorrect/outdated effects
  4. Fixed issue with Explode effect causing all explosion damage to be cancelled on players
  5. Fixed issue with Enchantment table bugging out and putting two of the same enchants on books


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.0.8 Mar 11, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.18.2 Support


Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

2.0.7 Feb 5, 2022
Change Log:
  • Fixed required enchants not working properly (it wouldn't remove the required enchant)
  • Fixed issue with Towny not working properly thanks to FactionsBridge
  • Fixed issue with plugin requiring Vault
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system

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