2.3.8 Dec 18, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20.4 Support
  2. Added ability to add chances to bonus rewards
    (Just add more rewards than the number of bonus rewards set and when you do the command just include a chance)


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.3.7 Oct 17, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20.2 Support


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.3.6 Jul 11, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added Roulette Animation back (Was removed for some reason)
    Pretty much recoded it to work more smoother and now supports commands etc.


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.3.5 Jun 25, 2023

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.20 Support


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.3.3 Nov 3, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with this plugin not working on WineSpigot due to a library missing from the jar


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.3.2 Oct 3, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with this plugin not working on Paper (or Paper forks) due to a library removed by Paper
  2. Fixed issue with preview being set to false being ignored
  3. Fixed issue with title on drop package animation not being applied
  4. Fixed NPE when adding commands to items


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.3.1 Jun 29, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with new materials like BEEHIVE not working and causing errors


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.3.0 Jun 28, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.19 Support


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.9 May 14, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Fixed issue with reward preview spamming lores onto rewards


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.8 Apr 29, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added reward preview for lootboxes, players can left click the lootbox to view the rewards in the lootbox
    You can enable/disable it in each lootbox file (regen config or add this)
    enabled: true # Preview rewards when you left-click lootbox
    show-percents: true
  2. Fixed dupe glitch with hoppers


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.7 Mar 11, 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added 1.18.2 Support


Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.6 Dec 12, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added 1.18 Support
  2. Added Hex Colour Support

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.5 Oct 5, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added better support for custom model items
  2. Added better support for custom server jars that update tick systems
  3. Fixed issue with animations lagging out on badly optimised servers (to an extent)
  4. Fixed errors with creation GUI

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.4 Aug 8, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added CusotmModelData support
    Under Item section the lootbox file add the following:
    model: 5 (or whatever the number is)
  2. Added better support for 1.17 items since they weren't working 100% before
  3. Fixed issue with the creation gui when it would randomly close
  4. Fixed issue with creation gui saving un-finished files

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.3 Jun 21, 2021
Added 1.17 Support

2.2.2 Jun 11, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added ability to use broadcast system for all animations (except roulette)
    Path for settings:
    "Animation.settings.broadcast.enable" = Enable or Disable (true/false)
    "Animation.settings.broadcast.header" = Message it sends before it lists all the rewards, Placeholders: {PLAYER}
    "Animation.settings.broadcast.message" = Message that has items and quantity, Placeholders: {ITEM} {AMOUNT} (Only put 1 message, it will send this message multiple times for every item you get)
  2. Added better support for Off Hand
  3. Optimisation of some code
  4. Removed some debug messages I forgot to remove

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.1 Jun 10, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added ability to edit chance via /el reward menu
    When you are in the menu, find the item you want to edit the chance to and shift right-click the item and it will ask you to input a chance in chat
  2. Added better support for custom model items and added better support for pixelmon items via magma server jar (Not promising full support for magma but I'm trying)

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.2.0 May 20, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added NEW Lootbox creation menu (/elitelootbox create <name>)
    [img] tag
  2. Fixed issue with broadcasts not working with lootboxes created via the old /el create
    (Make sure that the broadcast setting has it's enable setting to enable not enabled in the config)

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.1.9 Mar 17, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. More non-major optimisations and changes
  2. Fixed issue with certain chat plugins causing commands to contain colour codes which stopped them from being executed
  3. Fixed error with broken items causing people on custom clients to crash (ie. cosmicclient)

Looking for suggestions on what to add to this plugin since it's pretty complete, I'm aware people want an in-game GUI to edit loot boxes but I cannot add that any time soon due to lack of time
Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.1.8 Jan 6, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added option to make it so you cannot get the same reward multiple times (make it so there are no duplicate rewards)
    Add no-duplicate: true under Animation in the lootbox file
  2. Optimisation fixes

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.1.7 Jan 1, 2021
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Added glow option, you can now make your lootboxes glow
    * Under Item in the yml file add glow: true *

Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.1.6 Dec 28, 2020
[img] tag
Change Log:
  1. Massive Optimisation recode to fix any optimisation issues people were having with this plugin (You don't need to change anything)
  2. Fixed issue with Custom Skulls not parsing properly.
  3. Fixed issue with dupe on low TPS servers.

I had a massive update planned but after 2 days working on it, it kept breaking so I will be delaying it to a later date.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3

2.1.5 Dec 18, 2020