• A simple plugin that limits entities per radius that you set it to, You also have other options in the config as well and you can also configure it with commands! Well subcommands from /el or /entitylimiter but yeah. Have fun thanks for using it.



# Radius to limit entities per radius of each entity.
# Set Radius to 0 if you want it to count Globally (Even though minecraft worlds are flat)
Radius: 30
# Height of the radius
HeightRadius: 50
# Limit entities per radius.
Limit: 30

# Displays a particle when an entity gets deleted.
DisplayParticles: true
# Whether if you want entities to enter portals or not.
EntityPortalEnter: true
# Limit how long entity names can be, Put 0 to exempt.
CharacterLimit: 50
# Replace when name character limit is reached.
LimitReplacementText: '&cName length is over the limit!'

# Set to true for a entity spawn limit cap.
SpawnCap: false

# Entities in the specified world(s) will not be affected by the plugin.
  - lobby

# Specified entities will not be affected by the plugin.
  - ender_dragon

# Settings for particles when entities get removed.
  particle: SMOKE_NORMAL
  amount: 25
  offsetX: 0
  offsetY: 0.5
  offsetZ: 0
  extra: 0.01