💬 The base version is 1.20.4 - But you can play with 1.8.8
💥 Bored of servers without content?
⚡ In this setup you can find more than 6 months of content for your players, there are RankUPS, Kits, special Trades, Capture System and much more, players will be playing at all times. And our AFK Zone allows you to have players in the mode and receive incredible rewards from time to time!
🏹 What are the advantages of this setup?
💎 You will have an incredible performance and you will be able to have more than 100 players in this mode with no performance problems.
💎 The RankUP system will give benefits that will force all players to rank up. Something incredible is that we designed a RankUP system in which VIPS ranks can also rise in rankup to obtain unique benefits!
💎 Daily captures will allow you to encourage combat throughout the mode, this prevents players from just farming.
💎 A selection of continents for players to go to. (We will help you implement this, because the entire world will have to download it and we will help you adapt it)
💎 The crates are balanced to avoid economic problems, and the best thing is that they can be obtained with our VoteParty or capture rewards system.
💎 Vehicle Shop for players.
💎 Map of planet Earth in real time. (Web)
🏹 What disadvantages does this setup have?
⚠️ Due to the amount of content we use, we use several premium plugins to make it work properly. But it's totally worth it!
⚡ Do you want to see the virtual map?
✅ https://mapa.zafirocraft.com
📣 Remember that you can use the PebbleHosting test server to observe our setup from the server. (If you want to test the server outside of PebbleHost)
✔️ You can use the following IPS:
🔰 mineboom.org- Server in Spanish
⚠️ Due to the number of functions that this setup has, it is best that you try it for yourself so that you can see all the content in detail. (We will leave you some photos so you can see the most important thing) ⚠️

❓ Support only applies to the buyer.
❓ ChargeBack is prohibited, read the global terms and conditions.
❓ Please before giving a review, contact us in case you have a problem.
❓ When you buy the setup, enter our discord to have access to support/questions you may have. This is mega important!
❓ Updates will be made from time to time. You will not see consecutive updates because this setup has a lot of content.
⚠️ All file content that players see is fully translated into English. (The files within the configuration are in Spanish because the server is originally in Spanish) ⚠️ We will help you if you don't understand anything!