Making quests has never been this easy!

Make the perfect quest with custom messages, titles or subtitles. You can give or take items for the perfect experience, and give the player an option to accept or deny a quest!

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- Making quests with an easy to use GUI
- Playing quests
- Support quests with multiple parts
- More than 30 customizable messages
- Customizable timing
- A lot of configuration so you can make the perfect quest
- Supports minecraft color codes
- Fast support

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You can make quests with an easy to use GUI!

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You can make a quest in under 30 seconds!

Players can play quests with ease!

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Config.yml | You can find all the settings in here!
# General #

# When linking a quest with a NPC, should the name of the NPC change? #
change_npc_name: true

# Quest Settings #

# How long should be between 2 actions (messages, titles, ect) in seconds? #
Quest_timing: 5

# Should players be able to play quest even if they have completed them before? #
Quest_replay: false

# Should players get a message on completing a quest? This message can be changed in the message.yml #
Quest_message: true

# Accept or declining a quest #

message: "&bWould you like to accept this quest?"
# Cannot use minecraft color codes #
Accept: "Accept"
Decline: "Decline"

# When accepting a quest #
accepted_quest: "&aYou accepted the quest"
# When declining a quest #
declined_quest: "&cYou declined this quest!"

# Titles & Subtitles #

# How long should a title or subtitle stay in the screen? #
Quest_title: 5
# How long should a title or subtitle fade in? #
Quest_title_fade: 1

Message.yml | You can find all the messages in here!
# Messages #

Reload: "&aSuccesfully reloaded!"

complete_quest: "&aYou have completed this quest!"

declined_quest: "&cYou have declined this quest, you can still play it again later!"

remove_quest: "&aSuccesfully deleted this quest!"

# Creating a quest #

Click_npc: "&aPlease click on the NPC that you want to link!"
Waited_too_long_new: "&cYou waited too long with linking a NPC, please use the command again if you still want to link the NPC!"

# Placeholders: %quest% for the questname, %part% for the questpart.
Succesfully_linked: "&aYou succesfully linked the quest: %quest% part %part% with the NPC!"

# No placeholders: #
type_title: "&aPlease type the title you want to send!"
type_subtitle: "&aPlease type the subtitle you want to send!"
type_message: "&aPlease type the message you want to send!"
type_takeitem: "&aPlease type the item you want to take and the amount!"
type_takeitem2: "&aFor example: 10 grass blocks would be 'grass_block 10'!"
type_giveitem: "&aPlease type the item you want to give and the amount!"
type_giveitem2: "&aFor example: 10 grass blocks would be 'grass_block 10'!"

quest_saved: "&aSuccesfully saved the quest!"

# Linking and unlinking #

Waited_too_long_link: "&cYou waited too long with linking a NPC, please use the command again if you still want to link the NPC!"
Waited_too_long_unlink: "&cYou waited too long with unlinking a NPC, please use the command again if you still want to unlink the NPC!"
Succesfully_unlinked: "&aYou succesfully unlinked the quest: %quest% part %part% from the NPC!"

# Errors #

# General Errors #

# The message when a player doesn't have the correct permissions #
No_perms: "&cYou don't have the right permissions to do this!"

# The message when only a player can do an action #
Players_only: "&cOnly players can do this!"

# When quest_replay is false in the config and a player tries to play a quest again #
already_played: "&cYou can't play this quest for a second time!"

# Unknown command #
unknown_command: "&cUnknown command!"

# Creating a new quest errors #

# The messages when trying to make a new quest, but the quest already exists #
Already_exists: "&cThis quest already exists!"

# Wrong usage for creating a new quest #
Wrong_usage_new: "&cPlease use the command: /EpicQuests new <Name> <Part>"

# When someone uses an invalid item name #
invalid_item: "&cThis is an invalid item!"

# Deleting a quest errors #

# Wrong usage for deleting a quest #
Wrong_usage_delete: "&cPlease use the command: /EpicQuests delete <Name> <Part>"

# Trying to delete a quest that doesn't exist #
Does_not_exist: "&cThis quest doesn't exist!"

# List errors #

# When someone uses /epicquests list but the player hasn't played any quests yet #
non_completed: "&cYou didn't play any quests yet!"

# When someone used /epicquest list <player>, but the targeted player hasn't played any quests yet #
non_completed2: "&cThis player didn't play any quests yet!"

# The message when trying to get the list of completed quests from a different player, but the player is not online #
Player_not_online: "&cThis player is not online!"

# Linking and unlinking quests #

# Wrong usage for linking a quest #
Wrong_usage_link: "&cPlease use the command: /EpicQuests link <Name> <Part>"

# Wrong usage for unlinking a quest #
Wrong_usage_unlink: "&cPlease use the command: /EpicQuests unlink <Name> <Part>"

# Playing a quest errors #

# When trying to take an item but the player doesn't have the item #
need_item: "&cYou need %amount% %item% for this!"

# When trying to give an item but the player doesn't have the needed free slots #
need_free_slots: "&cYou need more free slots for this!"

# When trying to play a quest in the incorrect order #
need_to_play_other: "&cYou need to play %quest% part %part% before you can do this!"

# When trying to start a quest while a quest is active #
Already_playing: "&cYou're already playing a quest!"

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/EpicQuests reload - Reloads the plugin
/EpicQuests new <name> <part> - Creates a new quest
/EpicQuests delete <name> <part> - Deletes a quest
/EpicQuests link <name> <part> - Links a quest with an NPC
/EpicQuests unlink <name> <part> - Unlinks a quest from an NPC
/EpicQuests list - Shows all the quests that you've completed
/EpicQuests list <player> - Shows all the quests a player has completed

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- EpicQuests.reload - Gives access to the '/EpicQuests reload' command
- EpicQuests.new - Gives access to the '/EpicQuests new <name> <part>' command
- EpicQuests.delete - Gives access to the '/EpicQuests delete <name> <part>' command
- EpicQuests.list - Gives access to the '/EpicQuests list' command
- EpicQuests.list.other - Gives access to the '/EpicQuests list <player>' command
- EpicQuests.link - Gives access to the '/EpicQuests link <name> <part>' command
- EpicQuests.unlink - Gives access to the '/EpicQuests unlink <name> <part>' command

How can I make a quest with multiple parts?
Simply make sure you make a first part with /EpicQuests new <name> 1
after that, you can simply make a second part with /EpicQuests new <name> 2
Make sure that you have the same name!

Where can I get support?
You can join my discord server!
Discord link

What version does this plugin support?
This plugin currently supports 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16