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We're an open-sourced crate plugin with a focus on functionality, performance, and the animation API, allowing other developers to create their own unique animations and register them externally.

Join our discord for support, bug reporting, and crate showcases. We're happy to help

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The plugin has many features you can use. If you feel like we're missing any, feel free to suggest new ones in our discord server.
  • MySQL Support
  • Crate Animations (Particles, GUI, Fireworks & More)
  • Preview Crate GUIS
  • Customizable Percentage Rewards
  • Unclaimed Crate Keys
  • Growing Developer Animation API

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This animation was created as an example of the developer API
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Here are all the commands and their functions
  • /crates - The main command and the help command
  • /crates animations - Current registered crate animations
  • /crates claim - View your unclaimed crate keys.
  • /crates give <player> <crate> [amount] - Give a player a physical crate key.
  • /crates give <crate> [amount] - Give all players a physical crate key
  • /crates list - View all the registered crates.
  • /crates reload - Reload the plugin's files
  • /crates set <crate> - Look at a block to set the crate's location.

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Here are all the permissions in the plugin and their function.
  • eternalcrates.animations - Access to use /crates animations
  • eternalcrates.claim - Access to use /crates claim
  • eternalcrates.destroy - Ability to remove a crate's location
  • eternalcrates.give - Access to use /crates give
  • eternalcrates.giveall - Access to use /crates giveall
  • eternalcrates.list - Access to use /crates list
  • eternalcrates.reload - Access to /crates reload
  • eternalcrates.set - Access to use /crates set
  • eternalcrates.use - Access to use the crates command, required for all users.

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