‣ About the plugin

The only purpose of this plugin is to add schedules (based on 24h format) and send a Discord message using webhook. It also has PlaceholderAPI support to display remaining time for a specific event.


‣ Placeholder usage

Let's say you added a schedule with the time 16-00. To get the placeholder for that schedule you would do %eventscheduler_16_00_timeleft%.


‣ Support

I'm happy to give support and improve the plugin. You can reach me using Discord.

My discord: pessialt


‣ Configuration

webhook-url: "put-webhook-url-here"

  hour: "hour"
  hours: "hours" # plural
  minute: "minute"
  minutes: "minutes" # plural
  second: "second"
  seconds: "seconds" # plural

placeholder-format: "&r%hour% &6%hour-format% &r%minute% &6%minute-format% &r%second% &6%second-format%" # You can use color codes using & character

    title: "Test Event"
    description: "Nothing else but a test event."
    color: "BLUE"
    thumbnail-url: "url-here" # Keep empty ("") to disable
    author-text: "This is author text." # Keep empty ("") to disable
    author-icon-url: "url-here" # Keep empty ("") to disable
    footer-text: "This is footer text." # Keep empty ("") to disable
    footer-icon-url: "url-here" # Keep empty ("") to disable
    title: "Test Event 2"
    description: "Nothing else but a test event 2."
    color: "GREEN"
    thumbnail-url: "url-here"
    author-text: "This is author text."
    author-icon-url: "url-here"
    footer-text: "This is footer text."
    footer-icon-url: "url-here"