
Want to spice up your server by adding crates that give your players a chance to earn rewards? If so why do all the hard work? I have made it easy for you by creating a configuration for excellent crates with Animations, holograms displaying above crates, and custom previews. The crate config can be put in any server of your liking allowing your players to win rewards using the crate keys.


Crate Tiers:

  1. Common
  2. Uncommon
  3. Rare
  4. Legendary
  5. Mythic

Key Features:

  1. 200 Plus Rewards
  2. 5 Tierd Crates
  3. Added Vouchers
  4. Custom Previews
  5. Custom Opening Animations
  6. Custom Hologarms
  7. Balanced Rewards
  8. Keys Configerd to crates
  9. Added Showcase heads skript

What You Get After Purchase:

  1. ReadME.txt - Explains how to add everything to the server
  2. All Features Version file
  3. NoCliamBlock version file
  4. NoVouchers Version file
  5. ExcellentCrates Config File
  6. CrazyVouchers Config File
  7. Skript Config File


Excellent Crates 200+ Rewards Showcase


All images are in the spoiler.

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