3.1.1 Jun 26, 2023
Changelogs v3.1.1
- Fixed an issue related to price-modifier of ShopGUIPlus.
3.1.0 Jun 25, 2023
Changelogs v3.1.0
- Added CoinsEngine support.
- Added EXP as currency support.
- Added price-modifier support from ShopGUIPlus.
- Added an option 'OnlyStoreWhenInvFull' in config.yml, that only store items into the player's storage when their inventory is full.
- Fixed wrong quantity when picked up items to the storage.
- Fixed a bug related to WildStacker and UltimateStacker.
3.0.0 Jun 17, 2023
Important Update | v3.0.0
Changelogs v3.0.0:
- Requires Java 16 and server version 1.16+ to run.
- This version is not compatible with older versions. So, you need to reset almost everything for it to work.
- Added 1.20 support.
- Added BetterEconomy and UltraEconomy support.
- Added ItemsAdder and Oraxen support.
- Added logging for: add, withdraw and sell.
- Adjusted some APIs to make it easier to use.
- Removed Title messages.
- Removed these following commands: /es send, /esadmin renew.
- Removed searching for item.
- Fixed a minor bug related to the Whitelist option.
- Merged sorting buttons into one.
- Merged GUI buttons into one.
2.8.0 May 30, 2023
Changelogs v2.8.0
Changelogs v2.8.0:
- Added transaction logs.
Use this feature to help you easily manage player spending. This feature can be enabled/disabled at the UseTransactionLog section in the config.yml file.
2.7.2 May 26, 2023
Changelogs v2.7.2
Changelogs v2.7.2:
- Fixed an issue related to AsyncPlayerChatEvent.
2.7.1 Apr 19, 2023
Changelogs v2.7.1
Changelogs v2.7.1:
- Fixed the placeholder quantity not working.
2.7.0 Apr 18, 2023
Changelogs v2.7.0
Changelogs v2.7.0:
- Updated / Added a few placeholders.
%exstorage_space% - Displays the maximum storage space.
%exstorage_space_formatted% - Same as above, but formatted.
%exstorage_used_space% - Displays the total amount of space used.
%exstorage_used_space_formatted% - Same as above, but formatted.
%exstorage_free_space% - Displays the total amount of free space.
%exstorage_free_space_formatted% - Same as above, but formatted.
%exstorage_used_percent% - Same with used_space, but in percentage.
%exstorage_used_percent_formatted% - Same as above, but formatted.
%exstorage_free_percent% - Same with free_space, but in percentage.
%exstorage_free_percent_formatted% - Same as above, but formatted.
%exstorage_quantity_<material-key>% - Displays the quantity of the item, or -1 if it doesn't exist.
%exstorage_quantity_formatted_<material-key>% - Same as above, but formatted.
2.6.8 Apr 13, 2023
Changelogs v2.6.8
Changelogs v2.6.8:
- Fixed an issue related to UltimateStacker.
2.6.7 Apr 9, 2023
Changelogs v2.6.7
Changelogs v2.6.7:
- Fixed an issue related to storage space.
2.6.6 Apr 2, 2023
Changelogs v2.6.6
Changelogs v2.6.6:
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in chat.
2.6.5 Mar 23, 2023
Changelogs | v2.6.5
Changelogs v2.6.5:
- Added support for Dynamic Pricing in EconomyShopGUI (premium version).
2.6.4 Mar 18, 2023
Changelogs | v2.6.4
Changelogs v2.6.4:
- Fixed an issue with EconomyShopGUI (premium version).
- Removed unnecessary messages when enabling plugin.
2.6.3 Feb 10, 2023
Changelogs | v2.6.3
Changelogs v2.6.3:
- Fixed a bug related to the issue of not being able to open the GUI.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
2.6.2 Dec 11, 2022
Changelogs | v2.6.2
Changelogs v2.6.2:
- Fixed integration with marketplaces.
- Fixed a bug related to checking for updates.
2.6.1 Nov 12, 2022
Changelogs | v2.6.1
Changelogs v2.6.1:
- Completely fixed the error "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read the array length because "<local1>" is null".
2.6.0 Nov 7, 2022
Changelogs | v2.6.0
Changelogs v2.6.0:
- Based on statistics on bStats, we found that older versions are not as popular anymore. As of this update, we will not provide any support from 1.11.2 and earlier versions.
- Fixed a bug that Spamming in Console (discord link)
- Fixed a bug that Cannot read the array length (discord link)
- Some internal bugs fixed.
2.5.8 Sep 16, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.8
Changelogs v2.5.8:
- Fixed picking up items on the ground into the storage not working.
2.5.7 Sep 15, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.7
Changelogs v2.5.7:
- Fixed an issue with WildStacker plugin: Items are duplicated when mining if there is an item of the same type being stacked nearby.
- Optimized code.
* If you are using this plugin with WildStacker, please update to the latest version.
2.5.6 Sep 12, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.6
Changelogs v2.5.6:
- Fixed hex color not being able to use more than 1 color.
2.5.5 Sep 11, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.5
Changelogs v2.5.5:
- Fixed hex color not working.
2.5.4 Sep 8, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.4
Changelogs v2.5.4:
- Fixed previous/next button not showing.
2.5.3 Sep 8, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.3
Changelogs v2.5.3:
- Multiple slots can now be used for control items.
- Fixed & color code not working when already have hex color.
- Fixed an issue with ShopGUIPlus API.
2.5.2 Aug 11, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.2
Changelogs v2.5.2:
- Some internal bugs fixed.
2.5.1 Jun 20, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.1
Changelogs v2.5.1:
- Fixed slot 54 on GUIs not working.
2.5.0 Jun 15, 2022
Changelogs | v2.5.0
Changelogs v2.5.0:
- Added 1.19 support