2.4.4 May 15, 2022
Changelogs | v2.4.4
Changelogs v2.4.4:
- Fixed wrong selling price when using /exstorage sell.
2.4.3 Apr 2, 2022
Changelogs | v2.4.3
Changelogs v2.4.3:
- Fixed whitelisted items being changed in-game by admin but not updating data for offline players (the data of players who are offline for more than 30 days will no longer be usable, unless they rejoin the server). This also solves memory overflow if the number of players (both offline and online) is too much).
2.4.2 Mar 28, 2022
Changelogs | v2.4.2
Changelogs v2.4.2:
- Fixed an issue when trying to send messages.
2.4.1 Mar 28, 2022
Changelogs | v2.4.1
Changelogs v2.4.1:
- From now on, the main configuration files will be automatically updated with the missing parts (instead of manually adding as before). But there will be some parts that are optional, so you still have to add them manually if you want to use them.
- Added timeout to search for items on GUIs.
- Fixed an issue where breaking blocks with a TNT pickaxe would not store the storage.
- Fixed FormatName in config file not working.
- Fixed CustomModel didn't work correctly.
- Removed some unnecessary notifications.
- Optimized code.
2.4.0 Mar 23, 2022
Changelogs | v2.4.0
Changelogs v2.4.0:
- Added search feature for all GUIs. Players can now use the search button to search for the item they want when opening the GUI.
- Removed some redundant async tasks.
- Before you can use the search feature, please add the following lines to these files:
Material: 'NAME_TAG'
Name: '&aSearch for items'
Lore: []
Slot: 10
Material: 'NAME_TAG'
Name: '&aSearch for players'
Lore: []
Slot: 10
Material: 'NAME_TAG'
Name: '&aSearch for items'
Lore: []
Slot: 10
Material: 'NAME_TAG'
Name: '&aSearch for items'
Lore: []
Slot: 10
Material: 'NAME_TAG'
Name: '&aSearch for items'
Lore: []
Slot: 50
search-guide: |
{prefix}&7Type the item you want to search for in chat and press Enter.
{prefix}&7Type &8(&6cancel&8) &7to cancel this action.
2.3.1 Feb 22, 2022
Changelogs | v2.3.1
Changelogs v2.3.1:
- Fixed an issue related to the quantity of items in the storage (negative numbers) after using the command /exstorage withdraw.
2.3.0 Feb 22, 2022
Changelogs | v2.3.0
Changelogs v2.3.0:
- Added new currency support for GemsEconomy.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
2.2.7 Feb 15, 2022
Changelogs | v2.2.7
Changelogs v2.2.7:
- Item name will now be displayed properly (if it is not configured).
- Fixed the "BlockedMining" option didn't work.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
2.2.6 Feb 4, 2022
Changelogs | v2.2.6
Changelogs v2.2.6:
- Fixed an issue with the calculation of the total used storage capacity, causing the display of numbers to be incorrect.
- Fixed some internal bugs.
2.2.5 Feb 3, 2022
Changelogs | v2.2.5
Changelogs v2.2.5:
- Added support for EconomyShopGUI.
- You can now choose which tables to store player data in when using the database.
- Fixed "MysqlDataTruncation: Data too long" when using MySQL.
- The item price list (worth.yml) has been changed, you need to change it in the following format:
#The worth of items:
# * This option will be overrided if the value of the key "Currency" in config.yml is "ShopGUIPlus" or "EconomyShopGUI".
#Sell price:
#Set to -1 to disallow the sale of this item.
price: 8.0
#Requires item quantity (minimum value is 1):
quantity: 8
price: 10.0
quantity: 10
price: 12.0
quantity: 16
price: 13.0
quantity: 16
price: 16.0
quantity: 8
price: 15.0
quantity: 8
price: 18.0
quantity: 4
price: 18.0
quantity: 4
- A new option in the config.yml file has been added (please add it before loading the plugin):
#The currency you want to use when selling the item:
# * Available: Vault, PlayerPoints and TokenManager.
#You can also use one of these marketplaces: ShopGUIPlus and EconomyShopGUI. It will override
#the default price list in worth.yml, so you don't need to configure it.
Currency: 'Vault'
2.2.4 Jan 29, 2022
Changelogs | v2.2.4
Changelogs v2.2.4:
- Completely fixed "MySQL DataSource class missing" when trying to use MySQL database.
- Added a new useful feature for admins: From now, you can modify the "Whitelist" section in config by using the GUI:
- Command: /esadmin whitelist
- Permission: exstorage.admin.command.whitelist
- Tips: To add items, at first, you have to put it in your inventory, then re-open the GUI and click to the item you have put in. To remove, just click to the item you want on top inventory. It will be applied immediately for all players after adding an item.
- Added a new command, allowing the players to withdraw items without opening the GUI:
- Command: /exstorage withdraw <material-key> <amount|all>
- Permission: exstorage.player.command.withdraw
* Before updating the plugin, you need to add these keys to the messages.yml file:
withdraw: '&8 > &c/{label} withdraw <material-key> <amount|all> &f: &7Withdraw the item.'
whitelist: '&8 > &c/{label} whitelist &f: &7Editing whitelist items.'
whitelist-item: '{prefix}&7You have added &r{item} &7to whitelist.'
unwhitelist-item: '{prefix}&7You have removed &r{item} &7from whitelist.'
item-already-whitelisted: '{prefix}&cThis item already added to whitelist!'
2.2.3 Jan 15, 2022
Changelogs | v2.2.3
Changelogs v2.2.3:
- Updated "/exstorage sell" command. Now, players can use it to sell items without open the GUI.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
2.2.2 Jan 13, 2022
Changelogs | v2.2.2
Changelogs v2.2.2:
Since the minecraft version 1.18, middle-click didn't work correctly. So we changed the hotkey of "Add all items to storage" to Shift-Right-Click, and "Withdraw all" to Shift-Left-Click for all versions.
2.2.1 Jan 10, 2022
Changelogs | v2.2.1
Changelogs v2.2.1:
- Fixed "MySQL DataSource class missing" when trying to connect to MySQL database (on server version 1.16+).
2.2.0 Jan 10, 2022
Fix wrong config version!
Fixed wrong config version.
2.2.0 Jan 9, 2022
Added data migration! v2.20
Changelogs v2.2.0:
- Added MigrateDataFromOldVersions option in config.yml to migrate player data from version 1.7.0 and earlier.
- Added ItemSendingEvent API (called before items are sent to other players).
- Fixed the player could not open the offline partner's storage.
- Fixed an issue where offline player data could not be updated into the database when it was changed.
* This is an important update for those who want to migrate data from version 1.7.0 and earlier to the new version! Please read the instructions below (or in the config.yml file) carefully before migrating:
How to migrate data?
* Make sure that is the first time the plugin is loaded (i.e. on the second load the data will be migrated).
* Open the config.yml file first.
* Set the "MigrateDataFromOldVersions" option to true if you want to migrate data.
* Back up all your data before migrating, avoid the case something goes wrong, or the data that has been migrated goes wrong.
* The "MigrateDataFromOldVersions" option should only be used once.
Step 1: Put your userdata folder in /plugins/ExtraStorage folder.
Step 2: Restart your server and wait for a moment (depending on the amount of data available in the userdata folder).
Step 3: If you get the message: "All data migrated successfully!", that means it is done, otherwise, join our Discord for help.
Step 4: Set the "MigrateDataFromOldVersions" option to false, and use the command: /esadmin reload.
2.1.5 Jan 8, 2022
Changelogs | v2.1.5
Changelogs v2.1.5:
- Added support for MySQL.
- Fixed asynchrony between partners when withdrawing items.
* Backup your old config.yml file before updating the plugin!
2.1.4 Dec 11, 2021
Fixed a minor bug!
- Fixed MaxSpace doesn't work correctly.
2.1.3 Dec 9, 2021
Important Update | v2.1.3
Attention: This is an important update that involves players increasing the number of items in their inventory by the millions in seconds!
- So how can they do that ?
In previous versions, for some reason, if the player's storage and inventory were full, they can still continue to pick up items on the ground into the inventory, which caused the number of items to spike .
* Please update your plugin to the latest version to avoid being exploited!
- So how can they do that ?
In previous versions, for some reason, if the player's storage and inventory were full, they can still continue to pick up items on the ground into the inventory, which caused the number of items to spike .
* Please update your plugin to the latest version to avoid being exploited!
2.1.2 Dec 7, 2021
Change logs | v2.1.2
- Added block mining when the storage is full.
- Fixed a bug related to closing SQLite connections in server version 1.8.
- Fixed the toggle on the storage GUI (although players don't have permissions, they can still toggle it).
* Make sure you have deleted your old config.yml and messages.yml files before updating the plugin.
- Fixed a bug related to closing SQLite connections in server version 1.8.
- Fixed the toggle on the storage GUI (although players don't have permissions, they can still toggle it).
* Make sure you have deleted your old config.yml and messages.yml files before updating the plugin.
2.1.1 Dec 7, 2021
Change logs | v2.1.1
- Added CheckForUpdates option in config.
- Added send() method to Developer APIs.
- Fixed an issue with ItemStoringEvent API.
- Added send() method to Developer APIs.
- Fixed an issue with ItemStoringEvent API.
2.1.0 Dec 1, 2021
Change logs | v2.1.0
Supports for version 1.18
2.0.1 Nov 28, 2021
Change logs | v2.0.1
- Fixed an error occurred when opening the GUI in server version 1.8.
- Fixed an issue where players could not be found even though they joined the server.
- Add send feature:
Command: /exstorage send <player> <material-key> <amount>
Permission: exstorage.player.command.send
Description: Send the number of items from your storage to another player's storage.
* Before updating the plugin, make sure you deleted your old messages.yml file.
- Fixed an issue where players could not be found even though they joined the server.
- Add send feature:
Command: /exstorage send <player> <material-key> <amount>
Permission: exstorage.player.command.send
Description: Send the number of items from your storage to another player's storage.
* Before updating the plugin, make sure you deleted your old messages.yml file.
2.0.0 Nov 26, 2021
Change logs | v2.0.0
Changelog v2.0.0:
- Switched from YAML to SQLite database to store user data (increase the security of their data, while also helping to increase server performance)
- Added default sort type for each GUIs when opened.
- Added the "commands" section to DecorateItems (this can help you integrate with other menu plugins).
- Supported for HexColor in server version 1.16 or higher.
- Supported for TNT Pickaxe from any custom enchantment plugins (exclude CustomEnchant because it is outdated and no longer being supported).
- Changed command /es <allow|disallow> to /es partner.
- Almost all permissions, placeholders and APIs are changed, please read the document for more details.
- Changed ItemPickupEvent API to ItemStoringEvent (called before the item being stored to the player's storage) API.
- Removed BlockBrokenEvent API.
- Removed AutoSmelt feature.
- Fixed some issues occurred in the older versions.
- Optimized code.
- bStats is now updated on resource page.
* This is the latest version. Before updating the plugin, please backup your old ExtraStorage folder, and delete it.
- Switched from YAML to SQLite database to store user data (increase the security of their data, while also helping to increase server performance)
- Added default sort type for each GUIs when opened.
- Added the "commands" section to DecorateItems (this can help you integrate with other menu plugins).
- Supported for HexColor in server version 1.16 or higher.
- Supported for TNT Pickaxe from any custom enchantment plugins (exclude CustomEnchant because it is outdated and no longer being supported).
- Changed command /es <allow|disallow> to /es partner.
- Almost all permissions, placeholders and APIs are changed, please read the document for more details.
- Changed ItemPickupEvent API to ItemStoringEvent (called before the item being stored to the player's storage) API.
- Removed BlockBrokenEvent API.
- Removed AutoSmelt feature.
- Fixed some issues occurred in the older versions.
- Optimized code.
- bStats is now updated on resource page.
* This is the latest version. Before updating the plugin, please backup your old ExtraStorage folder, and delete it.
1.4.2 Jun 1, 2021
Fixed an issue with ShopGUIPlus
Retrieving large amounts of data from ShopGUIPlus affects the process of opening the market GUI in ExtraStorage, so we have allowed the choice of whether you want to use the functionality of ShopGUIPlus, via a key: using-shopguiplus in worth.yml file.