- Fully configurable menus and multiple menus creation and accessing via config actions
- Anti Break
- Anti Item Movement
- Anti Portal
- Anti Item Drop
- Anti Damage
- Anti Chat
- Anti Hunger
- Join message
- Leave message
- Flying pearl with two modes
- Player Visibility
- Lobby Speed
- Cosmetics
- Chat Format
- Spawn Teleport
- Customizable join items
- Servers Menu
- Lobby-Servers Menu
- Launch Pads
- Double Jump [infinite]
- Built-in Queue
- Customizable servers
- Scoreboard
- Custom Tab
- Armor Gadgets
- Multiple plugins support

- MySQL Database
- Vault - used to get player's rank,prefix etc.
- Same goes for AquaCore, LuckPerms and Football's Core, Mizu, Root, Neutron, mCore, Chronium, HestiaCore, Stark, nCore
- If you wish to have your core added DM us on discord with your API.
- Protocol Lib, Protocol Support or ViaVersion - used for custom tab to work properly.

- Leave Queue [/leavequeue]
- Join Queue [/joinqueue <server>]
- Pause Queue [/pausequeue <server>] [perm = "
hub.pausequeue"] - Gadget [/gadget <name>]
- HubCore [/hubcore]
- HubCore Reload [/hubcore reload] [perm = "
hub.reload"] - Set Spawn [/setspawn] [perm = "
Full list of commands & permissions: https://fatehub.bghddevelopment.com/commands-and-permissions

Full configs are located on the wiki: https://fatehub.bghddevelopment.com
These placeholders work in FateHub's menus, scoreboards, messages, and tab list.
- {status-serverbungeename}: Retrieves the status of a server.
- {online-serverbungeename}: Retrieves the number of players online on a server.
- {queued-serverbungeename}: Retrieves the number of players in a queue for a server.
- {count:serverbungeename1:serverbungeename2:serverbungeename3}: Retrieves the total count of players across entered servers. (Example: Retrieves the total count of players on 3 servers)
- {bungee-online}: Retrieves the total number of players on Bungee.
Note: The serverbungeename is the Bungee name of the server in lowercase.
Scoreboard Placeholders
- <global_count>: Retrieves the total number of players on Bungee.
- <player>: Retrieves the player's name.
- <prefix>: Retrieves the player's prefix. (If using LuckPerms, the rank name will match its color.)
- <rank>: Retrieves the rank of a player. (If your core is supported in cores.yml, the rank name will match its color.)
- <suffix>: Retrieves the player's suffix.
- <queue_server>: Retrieves the queue server name.
- <pos>: Retrieves the position in the queue.
- <in_queue>: Retrieves the total number of players in a player's queue.
Tab Placeholders
- {player}: Retrieves the player's name.
- {prefix}: Retrieves the player's prefix.
- {rank}: Retrieves the rank of a player.
- {suffix}: Retrieves the player's suffix.
- {ping}: Retrieves the ping of a player.
PlaceholderAPI Specific
- %FateHub_first_joined%: Returns the player's first join date.
The following placeholders require the player to be in a queue, as they are based on the player's status:
- %FateHub_queue_pos%: Returns the current queue position for the player.
- %FateHub_in_queue%: Returns the total number of players in the queue.
- %FateHub_queue_server%: Returns the server the player is queuing for.
- %FateHub_first_joined%: Returns the player's first join date.

- queue.priority.1-50 - Grants priority access to specific queues. (1 being the highest)
- queue.bypass - Bypasses all queue restrictions.
- queue.bypass.servername - Bypasses the queue for a specific server.
- hub.bypass.vis - Bypasses player visibility toggles.
- hub.options.bypass.drop - Bypasses item dropping restrictions.
- hub.options.bypass.pick - Bypasses item picking up restrictions.
- hub.options.bypass.chat - Bypasses chat restrictions.
- fatehub.inv.bypass - Bypasses inventory move restrictions.
- fatehub.fly - Automatically enables fly mode on join.
- fatehub.reload - Displays a reload message when attempting to run /reload.
- hub.bypass.vis - Bypasses player hider.
- fatehub.interact.bypass - Bypasses the interaction block list.
- fatehub.update - Shows the update message when joining the server.
- hub.gadgets.NAME - Grants access to a specific gadget. Replace NAME with the name of the gadget. (Example: hub.gadgets.hearts)