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Easy and simple to use

Flare Panels is configurable and customizable, all our other plugins will work with it perfectly, you can use their items in this plugin. You can use this to create different menu types.

Thanks to our plugin you can create any kind of GUI on your server using our syntax to simplify its use.

We have different systems with which you can create a simple and beautiful design. If you have ideas for new features that the plugin does not have, you can join on our discord server and create a ticket saying your idea.


All configuration files are easy to edit.
We also have a unique shop system with multi menu and many other things that can be easily configured from config.
If you want a function that is not integrated, you can join on our discord where you can propose your idea to us.

For more detailed installation & configuration guide please refer to the plugin documentation.




  • Blazing fast
    • All of the systems are working fast and async this means no TPS drop.
  • Item animations
    • You can add more items on one slots and those items will rotate, but soon we will add text animations.
  • Easy
    • Every thing its very easy to configurate and create, we have fast support and a good documentation.
  • Components based actions
    • You can make items, when you click them, to execute commands and you can put requirements on those more on wiki.
  • PlaceholderAPI & Colors
    • You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in all of the items and text and you can use hex colors like this (&#ffffff) or gradients like this.
    • (<GRADIENT:#000000-#111111>Text</GRADIENT>)
  • Open commands
    • You can add commands to open menus.
  • Server switching
    • You can make a player to switch a server using: [bungeecord_switch] (server)
  • Panel generator
    • You can create a menu from a chest with items from your world. using /tmpanels generate [menu_name]
  • More inventory types
    • You can change the menu type like in a furnace, hopper and more.




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