FlareTokens is configurable and customizable, all our other plugins will work with it perfectly,
you can use their items in this plugin.
 The full plugin eco system will lead to an experience your server has never seen.
If you have ideas for new features that the plugin does not have,
you can join on our discord server and create a ticket saying your idea.
All configuration files are easy to edit.
We also have a unique shop system with multi menu and many other things that can be easily configured from config.
If you want a function that is not integrated, you can join on our discord where you can propose your idea to us.
For more detailed installation & configuration guide please refer to the plugin documentation.
Physical Tokens
You can withdraw tokens from players account into a item (Changeable from config.yml)
This can be deposited by anyone with a click!
MySQL Support
Thanks to this system you can connect multiple servers through the same database to have the same data on each server.
SQLite Support
The plugin will save by default data on SQLite, with is fast and reliable!
Customizable Menu GUIs Shop
You have the possibility to create multiple menus for shop which can be opened with customized commands.
In these menus you can choose to sell any type of item you want.
Hex and Gradient Color Support
We have a very simple color system that can be used by anyone who
doesn't know how to create a hex based text.