FutureProxy 2.0 is a fast, reliable proxy that is protected against bot attacks and any exploits.
I recommend this proxy for every person who wants to set up a server on a solid infrastructure.
This setup is the updated, feature-rich version of my free FutureProxy setup
The Wiki is available for buyers in the appropriate Discord channel.
▸MultiLobby ▸ Join Balancing on multiple hubs and fallback (/hub also) balancing;
▸ProtocolBlocker ▸ you can select what versions can join your server;
▸Report system▸ you can report something to the administrators;
▸Auto HackClient Ban ▸ detects player client and automatically bans players with hackclient/xray/worlddownloader;
▸F3 Server Name ▸ you can customize your server name for 1.16+ clients when clicking F3;
▸Server Informations ▸ See your server informations with /vserverinfo;
▸Advanced AntiBot ▸ ensures protection from every bot through algorithms (unlike other setups);
▸MOTD ▸ unlike the free version, MOTD will not cause lag problems during bot attacks while still maintaining great customization;
▸OneMorePlayer ▸ this feature allows the server to appear to have only one vacancy in the player counter;
▸FakePlayers ▸ allows it to look like there are more players than there really are in the server;
▸Sample ▸ is the list of message shown when hovering over the player count;
▸Auth Lobby ▸ to log in, you will be teleported to a special lobby, as if you were using an auth server, but all on your proxy;
▸Advanced Login System ▸ this system takes players into a limbo where they will have to authenticate themselves. In addition, premium players will not need to log in and their account will be protected, automatic authentication for bedrock users as well;
▸Access for users from bedrock edition;
▸StaffChat ▸ (Discord/RedisBungee support with /scmute, /sctoggle and configurable permissions in the config.yml);
▸AdminChat ▸ (Discord/RedisBungee support with /acmute, /actoggle and configurable permissions in the config.yml);
▸DonorChat ▸ (Discord/RedisBungee support with /dcmute, /dctoggle and configurable permissions in the config.yml, it has also a cooldown);
▸Chat self-moderation system ▸ blocks spam and flooding, caps, ip spam and other messages;
▸Stylised translations;
▸Reconnect system ▸ when the server to which players are connected is turned off or crashes, players will not be kicked out but will be reconnected immediately as soon as it turns back on;
▸VPN prevention system;
▸Dynamic /ping command;
▸Private Messages ▸ cross server /msg, /r, /ignore and /socialspy commands;
▸Command Whitelist ▸ let users use only the commands you want them to use;
▸System of bans, mutes and warns;
▸Maintenance system ▸ change the motd and only let staff in during a network maintenance.
▸Queue system ▸ to make it work, you will need to include the AjQueue plugin in your Spigot servers as well.
▸Party system.
▸AutoMessages ▸ Send messages automatically to any server or server you want them to be sent to!
▸Social commands ▸ Like /twitch, /website, /store, /facebook, /discord and more.
▸Friends system ▸ Make friends and view in what server they go!
Requires Java 17
Please do not leave negative reviews hastily. Write to me by opening a ticket on my Discord server and I will be happy to help you! If there is anything you would like to recommend, please find the appropriate chat on my Discord!
Don't talk about the asset as your own and don't resell it anywhere.