🔒 ɢStaffCore 🔒

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👮‍♂️ Overview

Introducing GenesiSC (Genesi Staff Core) 🔥

  • A powerful new Minecraft plugin designed to address commonchallenges faced by server administrators ⚙️Especially concerning UUID spoof exploits ❌🆔

  • With GenesiSC, you can rest assured that your server's staff members will have an additional layer of protection 🛡️

  • They will be required to verify their identity through Discord before gaining access to important staff functionalities 🔒💬

  • This plugin offers an intuitive user experience, making it easy for your staff to navigate and utilize its features effectively 🎮🧭

  • With GenesiSC, you can enhance the security and integrity of yourMinecraft server,providing a safer environment for both staff members and players 🚀🔒


Video Coming Soon ✨


  Why GenesiSC


Config Example

  enabled: true
  host: localhost
  username: user
  password: superPass
  database: GenesiSC

# If the player has this permission, but its name isn't in the list below, then they will be kicked.
permission: genesisc.staff

# Discord bot token
token: =======your token here=============

- MinecraftName:<discordID>
- Steve:63463463446434634


A Fortified Powerhouse of Maximum Security for your Server.




GenesiSC is a groundbreaking plugin that revolutionizes server security by seamlessly integrating advanced features like 2FA and Discord Integration. Discord is built into this plugin, allowing for real-time log in notifications and attemps right in your private messages. 

With unparalleled protection and control, it fortifies your server against hackers and grants you full authority over access, bans, and commands, all within a single, powerful package.


🔒Powerful Features🔒

🛡️ Unrivaled Security: Harnessing cutting-edge technologies like 2FA and Discord Integration, it safeguards your server from hackers, ensuring robust protection.


🚀 Staff Management: Easily configure staff members by adding their MC Username followed by their Discord ID, granting them authorized access to your server.


Timed Effects: Add timed effects to restrict hackers' movement, visibility, or any other actions, enhancing server security.


Discord Verification: Players who fail to verify via Discord within the designated time will be kicked, ensuring only identified staff members gain access.


🔑 Permissions Control: Set specific permissions for individual players or groups, allowing precise control over staff or admin roles.


💪 MySQL Integration: Seamlessly integrates with MySQL, enabling efficient data management and enhancing server performance.


🤖 Discord Bot Integration: Utilizes Discord Bot token to further strengthen security measures and provide seamless server management.


🔒 Unprecedented Security: With a combination of advanced features and robust integration, GenesiSC stands as the epitome of security, unrivaled in its strength.


Embrace the power of GenesiSC to protect your server like never before! 💪🔒

Please Refer to our WIKI for commands, permissions and configuration📔