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Gestures Menus

MagicGestures Exclusive !

This config contains a custom GUI with gestures icons.

BONUS - Different rarities: Default, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary


Classed in alphabetical order.


The menus/GUIs will be updated as the plugin goes on, because there is not much currently.


18 animations are currently available, more will come in updates.

3 of them are traversal (can move).

The start & end animations have really been worked on.

[EXCLUSIVE] The original player model has been reworked to remove unnecessary joints, to keep the vanilla feel of animations. The model is modified in game & in BlockBench !

  Preview in BlockBench
  Preview in Game


This is the 2nd edition of Cryxow's gestures pack containing smooth animations keeping the vanilla feeling by a remade player model removing the unnecessary joints, also with advanced start/end transitions & sounds !

This resource contains:

• New GUI + Icons Textures
• 18 Gestures (3 are traversals)
• Remade Player Model (removed joints)

This pack contains configurations for the following plugins:

MagicGestures Configuration (gestures)
HMCCosmetics Configuration (gestures)

ItemsAdder Configuration (resource pack + gestures)
Oraxen Configuration (resource pack + gestures)

+ every other emotes plugins compatibility


Check on the update page for more informations !



Everything is detailed in the wiki !


Oraxen or ItemsAdder are required for the Resource Pack, otherwise you can set a Vanilla Resource Pack.

MagicGestures, HMCCosmetics, ItemsAdder or Oraxen is required for Gestures.