GibCraft is an arena fighting minigame where the objective is to, well, frag the other players. At the start of the game every player is equipped with a Lasergun that can be fired by pressing Left or Right mouse button. The player that reaches the Frag Limit or has the most amount of frags when the time is over wins.

GibCraft comes with several features:

  • 2 different game modes
  • Spectators
  • Player Stats
  • SQL Support for Player Stats
  • Powerups
  • Fast arena setup
  • Cool particles :)

Below you can find an example of the player stats:

FFA mode is basically a deathmatch mode. Needs at least 2 players to start and has a limit of 4 players.

You can watch gameplay here.

The Duos mode is a 2v2 mode between the Red and Blue team. Every frag counts to the team instead of a single player.

You can watch gameplay here.
Setting up an arena is very simple. First we create the arena using the command /gib create . Next we need to edit the arena. We can do this by toggling the edit mode with the command /gib edit . While in edit mode we can set the arena boundaries by setting the 2 opposite corners. Exit the edit mode by either running the same command (/gib edit ) or right clicking the Exit item in your inventory. That's all! The arena is setup! Last thing you need to do is set a lobby where the players will teleport to when joining/leaving the arena with /gib setlobby. Alternatively you can watch this video where I showcase the full setup.

Arena signs can also be setup like so:
i25P7XY.png rycK9wC.png
Typing the above will result in an arena signs like the ones below:
mrBd7qe.png 6s1nq88.png

The command prefix is /gibcraft or /gib

  • /gib help - Shows available commands;
  • /gib info - Displays plugin info;
  • /gib join - Joins the specified arena;
  • /gib leave - Leaves the current arena;
  • /gib spectate - Joins/Leaves spectators for specified arena;
  • /gib stats - Displays player statistics
  • /gib arenas - Displays current arenas and their status;
  • /gib setlobby - Sets the minigame lobby. This is where players get teleported when they join/leave an arena;
  • /gib create - Creates a new arena with the specified name;
  • /gib delete - Deletes the specified arena;
  • /gib edit - Toggles edit mode for specified arena;
  • /gib setstatus - Changes the specified arena status to the new one.

This plugin has the following permissions:

  • - For regular players - Allows players to join the game, aswell as spectate and check their stats;
  • gib.create - For staff - Allows players to create an arena;
  • gib.delete - For staff - Allows players to delete an arena;
  • gib.edit - For staff - Allows players to toggle edit mode for an arena;
  • gib.status - For staff - Allows players to set the status of an arena;
  • gib.admin - For staff - Allows players to use regular commands while inside a game/arena.

This plugin requires the plugin ProtocolLib to function. I'm working on removing this depedency but for now the plugin requires it.


# Time limit for the game to end, in seconds
gameTime: 300

# Frag limit for the game to end
maxFrags: 20

# Time for the game to start after having the minimum amount of players
timeToStart: 20

# Respawn time after getting fragged
respawnTime: 3

# Messages that show when a player is fragged. The message selected is random and can be from either the first list only, or both.
# Make sure to add a space at the end of the first message.
# Feel free to use colours with &<colour id>.
# The first %s represents the player that killed. The second %s represents the player that was killed.
   - "&f%s died to %s."
   - "&f%s was destroyed by %s!"
   - "&f%s was killed by %s!"
   - "&f%s was obliterated by %s!"
   - "&f%s has fallen to %s."
   - "&f%s was gibbed by %s."
   - "Perhaps they should stick to building."
   - "Aim diff."
   - "Sit."
   - "Clearly they struggle with clicking."
   - "Someone tell them to turn on their monitor."
   - "Are they even trying?"
   - "Yikes."
   - "I think they might need glasses."
   - "Lmao."
   - "Hold that L."

### SQL Connection ### Ignore if you do NOT have an SQL Server. ###   
host: "localhost" # SQL Host IP
port: "3306" # SQL Port
database: "gibcraft" # Database where player stats will be stored. It is recommended that you create a new database for each plugin that uses SQL.
username: "" # SQL Username
password: "" # SQL Password
useSSL: false 
# Plugin will ALWAYS save to the database IF it is connected. But will only save to local files IF you want it to OR SQL is NOT connected.
localSave: true # If set to true, player stats will be saved locally AND in the SQL database, IF SQL is connected.
loadFromSQL: false # If set to true, player stats will ONLY load from the SQL database, even though they may or may not be saved on the database and locally.
# Warning: Turning both of the previous options to FALSE will save the player stats to the database but ONLY load locally, which will result in a stat reset every time.

For any feedback, bugs or suggestions please either post them on the Github Issue Tracker or message me on discord (j0hn#9706). I'll be more than happy to fix any bugs to make sure everything is working as it should as fast as possible.

There's currently an exception generated rarely that does NOT interfere with the minigame at all so you can safely ignore it. This exception is from bStats. I'm working on resolving the issue.