Welcome to Golf Party. Golf Party is a remake of a mini golf.

The game is played as follows:
You start at a track and you try to get your ball in to the hole in the least stokes possible. The ball will go in the direction you are looking at and will be moved for the speed you set it as.

The plugin isn't included but the map does not require it if you just want the map itself. Here's the plugin link: Golf Party





When you download the file you'll get a .zip file, inside you'll find a .schem file as well as a folder called world. If you want you can just put the world folder inside of your minecraft server root folder or you can use world edit to import the map in to your world of choice. In that case you want to go inside of /plugins/worldedit/schematics folder and put the schematic file (.schem) in to that folder than use the world edit plugin to load the schematic and place it in the world.

When you enter the world, the spawn area is at 0 100 0 location.