Lariat Jul 5, 2023
Version 3.2
Absolutely amazing add on. In my opinion, makes GriefPrevention viable to use (who doesn't love a GUI over commands?!)

Edward was also extremely patient and helped me with a few issues regarding an error I made while installing the plugin.

Author's response
Thanks for your review. (●'◡'●)
Milan09NL Mar 11, 2023
Version 2.8
I love this addon

The support is really nice

every idea what i have, to make it better EDWARD gonna added it really fast.
(within a few hours)

i give them 4 stars because there is always place to grow.
and i know that EDWARD can make it 5 stars

Author's response
Thanks for the review. Still waiting for that 5 starts (っ °Д °;)っ

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