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evelon Jan 25, 2021 • edited Jan 25, 2021
Running HS on the latest build of PaperSpigot on 1.8.8. The plugin refuses to load, but HackedCore is unaffected. (

The size for the plugin is supposedly ~150kb, but the .jar I received is only ~7kb in size. Could this be the problem?

If I'm doing something wrong, please let me know.
- e.

EDIT: Format broke, tried to piece it back together
Th0rgal Jan 25, 2021
Hello there,

You are right, I'll look into that.

evelon Feb 2, 2021
Hello. Thanks for updating the plugin! Even though I had to wait a while for Polymart's CDN to update, the plugin works... almost.

The now-deleted ~7kb install has messed something up with bStats (or something to do with it) on the new ~200kb install, somehow. This causes the plugin to disable itself promptly after loading. Is there a way to fix this? (

Best Regards,
- e.
Th0rgal Feb 6, 2021
hello there, it is fixed!
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