• Fix: Fixed manually placed block states being lost during server restarts.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Fixed an error when harvesting torch flower crops that weren't fully grown.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.21.
• Addition: Support for Torchflower crop (new configuration options, new permissions)
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.20.5, 1.20.6 and Folia.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for version 1.20.4.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: 1.19.1 Support.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: 1.19 Support.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Reverted to XSeries 2.5.0 in order to fix some crops not being recognized.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.18.2.
• Addition: Option to strip colors from console messages.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
Re-upload for working update checker.