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5.6.5 May 12, 2022
Minor Changes

+ Added support for Sternal scoreboard.
+ Added support for scoreboard revision.
+ Added support for BetterTeams.
+ Fixed an issue with TabPlayer being null.
+ Fixed an issue with IridiumSkyblock version.

5.6.4 Apr 11, 2022

+ Added a character check when creating a new class.
+ Fixed an issue with the latest version of Kingdoms.
+ Fixed an issue with Lands sending a message without a land.
+ Fixed an issue with custom regions throwing errors if world not found.
+ Fixed an issue with PlaceholderAPI.
+ Fixed an issue with UltraPrisonCore.
+ Fixed an issue with clicking signs for a kit.
+ Fixed an issue with leaving the server with Factions scoreboard.
+ Fixed an issue with potion effect giving an error in console.
+ Fixed an issue with hooking into TAB scoreboard.

5.6.3 Feb 11, 2022

+ Added important API method into ClassesManager.
+ Added a log to see loaded server version.
+ Improved effiency of some classes.
+ Fixed issue with hooking into UltraPrisonCore.
+ Fixed issue with checking API name if not hooked into any.
+ Fixed issue with latest SimpleScoreboard version.

5.6.2 Feb 4, 2022
Minor Changes

+ Added new papi placeholders for clickable bard cooldowns and held bard cooldowns.
+ Fixed an issue with sending a message without PlaceholderAPI installed.
+ Improved some code readability.

5.6.1 Feb 2, 2022
Minor Fixes

+ Fixed an issue with SimpleClans.
+ Fixed an issue with switching between classes.
+ Fixed an issue with Featherboard.

5.6 Jan 24, 2022
Major Improvements

+ Added the option in the config "REGION_CHECK_HOLDABLE_ITEMS" to check for holdable items.
+ Added a region check on held items not just clickable ones.
+ Completely revamped how held items are checked to greatly improve efficiency.
+ Completely revamped regions and greatly improved the efficiency region checks.
+ Fixed an issue with invalid potion effect names.
+ Fixed an issue with returning old potion effects.
+ Fixed an issue with clickable and held items having the same cooldown.

5.5.2 Jan 21, 2022


+ Removed "BARD -> DISABLE_IN_WORLDS" and changed to "DISABLE_CLASSES_IN_WORLDS" to apply for all classes and custom classes.
+ Removed "BARD -> DISABLE__IN_REGIONS" and changed to "DISABLE_CLASSES_IN_REGIONS" to apply for all classes and custom classes.

+ Added a check when a player joins the server.
+ Added new section "DISABLE_CLASSES_IN_WORLDS" in the config.
+ Added new section "DISABLE_CLASSES_IN_REGIONS" in the config.

5.5.1 Jan 20, 2022

+ Fixed errors when creating a class.
+ Fixed errors when removing a class.
+ Added a check for online players on reload (Although servers should not be reloaded at all).
+ Added a check when you use /classes setarmor to check the current player.
+ Removed some unused API code.

5.5 Jan 19, 2022
Important Change

+ Major improvements to how a class is enabled to improve efficiency.
+ Fixed issues with right-clicking air with Lazarus.
+ Fixed issues when enabling a class.
+ Fixed issues with the /clear command.

5.4.1 Jan 19, 2022
Minor fixes

+ Fixed issues with /clear command and not re-checking armour.
+ Fixed issues with Lazarus core and sign interactions.
+ Fixed issues hooking into UltimateClans.

5.4 Jan 18, 2022
Fixes + New Features

+ Added new feature for archers to tag players for x amount of seconds to take x amount more damage.
+ Added support for InsaneHCF Core.
+ Improved readability of some classes.
+ Fixed some version specific code for 1.17 and 1.18 spigot.

5.3.1 Jan 13, 2022
Support fixes

+ Fixed issues with mcmmo classic and latest mcmmo.
+ Fixed issues with latest UltimateClans version.

5.3 Jan 12, 2022
Fixes/Come back

+ Added support for 1.18 Spigot.
+ Fixed an issue with TabPremium when disabling a bard class.
+ Fixed an issue with bard energy not resetting when removing a class.

5.2.8 Aug 17, 2021
Clans Fix
+ Fixed issues with Clans plugin.

5.2.7 Aug 16, 2021
Major Dupe Fix
+ Fixed a potion effect dupe when leaving the server with bard effects.

5.2.6 Jul 27, 2021
Major Fix
+ Added support for UltraPrisonCore.
+ Fixed issues with drinking a milk bucket removing class effects.
+ Fixed still giving effects while waiting on respawn screen.

5.2.5 Jun 28, 2021
Java Fix
+ Fixed issues with Java 16.

5.2.4 Jun 25, 2021
Important Fix for 1.9+
+ Fixed an issue with placeholders in messages.
+ Fixed a bard infinite effect error when using offhand.

5.2.3 Jun 14, 2021
1.17 Support
+ Added support for 1.17 spigot.

5.2.2 Jun 10, 2021
Async Fix
+ Fixed an issue with async scoreboards.

5.2.1 Jun 8, 2021
+ Fixed an issue with 1.7 versions.
+ Fixed an issue with not registering SaberFactions.

5.2 Jun 7, 2021
Improves, fixes and feature
+ Added the option to add held items to a custom class with a cooldown.
+ Improved entire layout/function of scoreboard updating task.
+ Improved efficiency of Bard so it doesn't check everytime you switch item.
+ Improved efficiency of archer and rogue clickable effects.
+ Fixed an issue on startup.
+ Fixed an issue with custom clickables.

5.1.9 May 21, 2021
Towny change
+ Added support so it will use towns if no nation is found.

5.1.8 May 18, 2021
UltimateClans Fix
+ Fixed issues with UltimateClans.

5.1.7 May 17, 2021
Fixes + Improvements
+ Added an effect task delay option.
+ Fixed an issue with block dispensing armor not registering (1.13 or over only).
+ Fixed issues with colour codes in scoreboards.
+ Fixed issues with scoreboard length.
+ Added a warning message for extremely low scoreboard ticks.

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