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5.1.6 May 10, 2021
+ Changed BSkyblock to BentoBox.
+ Fixed issues with BentoBox.
+ Fixed issues with switching classes while boosting.
+ Fixed issues with time until activation.
+ Added a time until activation option to all default classes.

5.1.5 May 6, 2021
Scoreboard fix
+ Fixed issues with scoreboard kicking players.

5.1.4 May 4, 2021
Minor fixes
+ If no team is found, it will now add you to effect list for bards.
+ Fixed issues with Kiteboard.
+ Fixed bard cooldown time.
+ Fixed bard not working in towny claims even when disabled.
+ Fixed still receiving a critical message in town.
+ Fixed issues when using the API.

5.1.3 Apr 27, 2021
Scoreboard improvements
+ Improved performance of scoreboard.

5.1.2 Apr 23, 2021
+ Fixed issues with all default classes and custom classes not returning old effects.
+ Fixed issues with the latest pre-release of TownyAdvanced.
+ Fixed issues with placeholders.
+ Fixed issues with line length being too long with custom placeholders (now cuts off the end instead of printing error).
+ Fixed scoreboard line length being too short for 1.13+.
+ Fixed scoreboard title length being too short for 1.13+.

5.1 Apr 19, 2021
Features and fixes
+ Added an option for a rogue cooldown.
+ Added a duration option for all bard effects.
+ Added support for Lazarus Factions.
+ Added support for UltimateClans.
+ Added some more custom exceptions.
+ Fixed an issue with enabling classes.
+ Fixed an issue with scoreboard lines longer than 32 characters.
+ Fixed multiple issues with debug messages.
+ Fixed a compatibility issue when trying to enable a class.
+ Fixed an issue with Lazarus scoreboard.
+ Fixed an issue with potions and not removing effects.
+ Fixed an issue with cooldown delays

5.0.1 Apr 7, 2021
Minor Scoreboard Fix
+ Fixed issues with removing and replacing other scoreboards.

5.0 Apr 5, 2021
Improvements, Fixes and more

The new HCFClassesAPI version is no longer needed in server plugins folder (only for devs buildpath).
Config values have been changed in this version so older configs may need regenerating.

+ Added disabled worlds for scoreboards.
+ Added a custom check for team hooks so errors will no longer spam console.
+ Added support for SupremeFactions.
+ Added documentation for each method included in the API.
+ Added option to disable update search.
+ Fixed an issue with Kiteboard and KOTH.
+ Fixed an issue with hooking into KOTH.
+ Fixed an issue with BSkyblock.
+ Fixed an issue when loading a class that doesn't exist.
+ Fixed an issue with the latest version of KingdomCraft.
+ Fixed an issue with archer tagging faction members.
+ Improved efficiency of utilities.
+ Improved data structure of entire plugin.
+ Improved efficiency of managers.
+ Improved miner invisibility feature.
+ Improved functionality and efficiency of scoreboards.
+ Removed extra data types that could have been avoided.
+ Removed some tasks that could be avoided.
+ Removed some unused methods/useless functions.
+ Now uses maven to download dependencies.

4.2.1 Jan 18, 2021
Fixes and improvements
+ Added the option to replenish old effects once given bard.
+ Fixed issues with removing effects.
+ Fixed issues with ASkyblock.
+ Fixed issues with IridiumSkyblock.
+ Fixed errors when not having factions installed.
+ Revamped team and scoreboard hooks.
+ Improved efficiency of plugin.

4.2 Jan 7, 2021
Many Fixes
IMPORTANT: Removed HCFClassesFUUID plugin and added support for latest FactionsUUID in main plugin (Older versions are no longer supported).

+ Added a version command.
+ Fixed issues with TabPremium.
+ Fixed an issue on startup.
+ Fixed issues with new version of SaberFactions.
+ Fixed issues with teams.
+ Fixed issues with version specific materials.

4.1 Nov 30, 2020
+ Updated and cleaned up config.
+ If the wand location is the same Y, it will automatically expand vert.
+ Added a more in-depth start-up log.
+ Added support for XPotion.
+ Added new command /classes settime <class> <time> to give each class the option to have individual activation timers (CLASSES.SETTIME)
+ Added new command /classes additem <classname> <potioneffect> <amplifier> <duration> <cooldown> to add custom items to a class (CLASSES.ADDITEM)
+ Added new command /classes clearitems <class> to clear all custom items (CLASSES.CLEARITEMS)
+ Added Lazarus core integration with scoreboard.
+ Added placeholder for Class activation timer ("classes_activation_time").
+ Added placeholder for class status ("classes_status").
+ Added a config option to toggle whether or not archers can tag each other.
+ Added a check latest version on startup.
+ Improvements to the plugin messages.
+ Fixed issues with Lands.
+ Fixed issues with TAB premium.
+ Fixed multiple issues with Featherboard.
+ Fixed loading plugin on 1.7 versions.

4.0 Oct 26, 2020
Many fixes and changes
IMPORTANT: The HCFClasses API will no longer be included in the download. This is now free to download from my discord server.

+ Added the option to disable bard and bard effects in towny claims.
+ Added object interfaces to the HCFClassesAPI.
+ Added multiple new methods to HCFClassesAPI.
+ Added a separate task for updating scoreboard to improve efficiency.
+ Fixed issues with latest KingdomsX.
+ Fixed issues with scoreboard.
+ Fixed a minor issue with permissions.
+ Fixed an error with AnimatedScoreboard.
+ Fixed issues with scoreboard colouring.
+ Removed a lot of unnecessary and unused code.
+ Many improvements to efficiency.
+ Many improvements to the structure and readability of plugin.
+ Many improvements to access modifiers.

3.1.1 Oct 13, 2020
Minor Fixes

+ Fixed issues with FabledSkyblock scoreboard.
+ Changes to scoreboards so now doesn't need to check team scoreboards if scoreboard plugin is found.

3.1 Sep 28, 2020
Compatibility Additions

+ Fixed issues with TabPremium.
+ Added support for McMMO parties.
+ Added support to use nations instead of towns in Towny.
+ Added support for KingdomCraft.

3.0.8 Sep 9, 2020
Fixed Jumpboost
+ Fixed an issue with Jump boost not working.

3.0.7 Aug 7, 2020

+ Added an option for a forced team plugin hook.
+ Added PAPI placeholders for all messages.
+ Fixed an issue with the help command.
+ Fixed issues hooking into SuperiorSkyblock.

3.0.6 Aug 2, 2020
Scoreboard Fixes

+ Fixed some issues with FabledSkyblock.
+ Fixed some issues with Factions scoreboards.

3.0.5 Aug 2, 2020
+ Fixed NPCs being back stabbed.
+ Fixed other entities counting as arrows.

3.0.4 Jul 30, 2020

+ Added French translation thanks to EYROX.
+ Fixed some issues with the new version of KingdomsX.
+ Fixed some issues with armor and loading classes.
+ Fixed issues with placeholders not updating until reloading plugin.
+ Fixed some issues with KiteBoard disabling the plugin.
+ Fixed issues with TabPremium.
+ Fixed Bard jump boost and changed to JUMP in the config.yml.
+ Fixed issues with regions in config.
+ Fixed so Rogue and Archer do not work in disabled regions.

3.0.3 Jul 14, 2020

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