6.11.10 Sep 16, 2021
15a629d Forgot to apply exception for getItemStackFuture - Thatsmusic99
adc8d3e Bumped version, early this time - Thatsmusic99
f9976be Might be stupid. - Thatsmusic99

6.11.8 Jul 1, 2021
Bug fixes and Performance Improvements
2159d0 Fixed some heads not loading.
b0336b8 Exploit checker now runs async (temporary solution to performance problems, confirmed to still work)
15649b Changed default witherskeleton drop chance to 0 so it doesn't work in tandem with Vanilla.
43cad50 Fixed NPE (not sure what this was caused by to be fair)
037799e Fixed price format not being adjusted in head lore.
3798928 Added mob drops permission (headsplus.drops).

6.11.7 Jun 17, 2021
Urgent 1.17 Hotfix
As it turns out, I messed up with one of the methods in the plugin and didn't update it as appropriate. Whilst it was apparently mildly broken in 1.16.5 (see https://hub.spigotmc.org/jira/browse/SPIGOT-6575 for all the technical jargon), this only started being problematic for 1.17, so I went through the codebase and replaced all instances of the problematic code HP had that would result in errors and even crashes. Whilst this only affected /head and /myhead, all bits and pieces that use similar codebase have been replaced.

If you are on 1.17, please update to this version ASAP.

I'd also like to use this as a opportunity to mention that some people have been bringing up performance complaints of which I've failed to reproduce or pinpoint as of so far. Unfortunately, timings have failed to give me any extra information as well, so for the time being, please use spark (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/spark.57242/) to report performance problems so I can pinpoint the exact cause of the lag.

Thank you in advance!

6.11.6 Jun 11, 2021
1.17 Support, Bug Fix
No major update yet I'm still partially suffering

However, speaking of that, I have removed anvil menu support in 1.17. It still works on other versions, but I plan on removing support for this feature overall in the next major update regardless.

Paper 1.16.5 will remain the main testing version for HeadsPlus until the majority of plugins have been updated for 1.17 and Paper 1.17 has been released as well.

b5f5b12 Re-added the leaderboards config check to /hplb - Thatsmusic99
28bcd65 Added 1.17 support - Thatsmusic99

6.11.5 May 20, 2021
bug fixes
8652750 Fixed MySQL not working on newer versions of Paper - Thatsmusic99
891b0a0 Added zh_TW (courtesy of andy3559167, thank you!) - Thatsmusic99
f67ff9c Fixed all locale versions being on the wrong version - Thatsmusic99

finished school today feeling okay

6.11.4 Apr 19, 2021
Bug fixes
lol did i forget to update the plugin here? whoops

So everyone knows, quick access to these fixes can now be found on Jenkins - https://ci.pluginwiki.us/job/HeadsPlus/, lovingly provided by brainsynder, the SimplePets developer!

d0b878 Fixed error thrown when MythicMobs is disabled - Error
6427d9 Fixed exception in 1.8 versions - Error
deec09 Fixed potential NPE when adding XP - Error
2495bc Fixed head data not refreshing after using /hp headinfo setters - Error

It doesn't look like much but I do want to confirm now that I do have a major update for HeadsPlus in the works! Part of this update can be found here - https://github.com/Thatsmusic99/HeadsPlus/pull/41. However, since I am juggling school and other projects, I have no ETA on this update nor the opening of the head packs repo (I just need to finalise some stuff though).

I hope you're now as hyped as I am. You better be. :)

6.11.2 Jan 20, 2021
Crafting improvements/changes with bug fixes
This update mostly had me reviewing my code and rethinking my life choices.

[ + ] The base item on shapeless crafting is now optional, but if please be careful with this as it can override Vanilla recipes when disabled.

[ + ] Fixed crafting.yml resetting when a single recipe was removed.

[ + ] Added better error checking to crafting.yml.

[ + ] Fixed a conflict with Geyser.

[ + ] Fixed the texture used on the Facebook head (do "/hp restore facebook" to fix this).

[ + ] Fixed the search menu throwing an error if one head had a malformed display name.

[ + ] Fixed a weird NPE to do with head (/heads) prices.

[ + ] Added /hp restore <head>, which restores a head which may have been manually added by the plugin.

6.11.1 Nov 2, 2020
1.16.4? I hardly know her!
Still suffering from university processes, computing NEA and COVID anxiety at school so yeah nothing's really changed since 6.11 lmao

This version still supports legacy versions; it is the following major update that removes such support.

[ + ] Added 1.16.4 support.

[ + ] Fixed the search GUI in 1.16.2 having an existential crisis.

[ + ] The April Fools' joke is now visual rather than actually trying to kill people. (I'm surprised this got a complaint in October)

[ + ] PvP price percentages lost are now actually percentages - you may need to review your configuration for this one. ("plugin.perks.pvp.percentage-lost" and "plugin.perks.pvp.percentage-balance-for-head")

[ + ] You can choose between using the killer's balance or victim's balance in the PvP options.

6.11 Oct 10, 2020
Debug Verbose and Bug Fixes
Hey there! It's been a good while, apologies. I'll explain myself after I've done this changelog. By the way, thank you for 30k as well (on SpigotMC)!!

On the other note, I have decided that this will be the last major update that supports 1.8 to 1.12.2. The majority of HP's servers have now moved off these versions. Please note that this will not mean the plugin will disable, but you must be prepared for the plugin to not function properly.

[ + ] Added the debugging verbose, making bug-squashing an easier task. As of currently, the syntax is /hp debug verbose <Event Name|off> <Arguments>, where the argument syntax is KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2. This will all appear in the tab autocomplete, so don't worry if you find yourself confused. I will be including some improvements to this verbose in the future.

[ + ] Fixed invisible players appearing in the tab autocomplete. This is a biggie if you're using vanish plugins.

[ + ] Rewrote some of the "trigger" messages in the plugin. This includes messages for AdvancedTeleport, SimplePets and AdvancedOreGenerator (I don't know why it sounded hilarious to do at first)

[ + ] Timing results are no longer duplicated on Paper. Stop complaining about the plugin's performance. It's doing fine.*

* If the plugin does actually perform badly then please let me know.

[ + ] The plugin only hooks into WorldGuard v7 now.

[ + ] Fixed problems caused by funky level configuration.

[ + ] Fixed a typo in mobs.yml which stopped the MAGMA_CUBE head from working (doesn't remove the error, just change HP#magmacube to HP#magma_cube).

In the meantime, what's been up with me? Well, uh - to start off, I just passed a GIAC exam, took over the AdvancedTeleport project, became a Discord mod on MCProHosting's community server (I know they're not the best in everyone's book but the community is the best <3), and last but not least, I'm an adult (lol oh no)! I've had less time for HeadsPlus as well because I'm working on my first JavaFX application - named VRTX Visual Coder, which is my own crappy IDE - as a school project, and time is running out aAHHH

But I figured I'd squeeze in this update for HP. You lot deserve it. Thank you once again for the massive 30k - we just hit 20k in April this year, and 10k back in March 2019. HeadsPlus has been growing bigger than ever and it would've never been possible without you guys. Thank you. <3

~ TM

6.11-BETA-1 BETA Aug 25, 2020
Major bug fixes
And this time, some more major bug fixes, so, uh... Merry Christmas?

[ + ] Fixed an error printed in console when people crafted. This also required WorldGuard to occur.

[ + ] When HeadsPlus finds an inventory icon in a player's inventory, it attempts to remove it as a form of exploit protection.

[ + ] Moved most events over to the new debugging system. Next update, they should all utilise the feature properly.

[ + ] Debuffed looting changes, any percentage before 1% will be multiplied by the Looting level instead of incrementing by 1%.

[ + ] Fixed the looting option not being able to become disabled.

[ + ] Updated the Discord link in the debug errors.

[ + ] Re-organised crafting mechanics, they should be more orderly and prevent issues in the future.

6.11-SNAPSHOT-2 SNAPSHOT Aug 14, 2020
1.16.2 Support
So, after three weeks of taking a cybersec course, developing RSI in my wrist, ten tonnes of stress and having 1.16.2 release whilst I was on holiday (thanks, Mojang!). I am very exhausted right now so please do bear with me, there is a breaking change in this update, especially with Looting (again).

Unless you're insanely desperate and banging on my door for 1.16.2 support, I don't recommend updating to this build yet, but if you want to help debug this update, please do help me out. You're free to give me feedback on any of the new features that have been implemented.

(This is only listing changes since SNAPSHOT-1)

[ + ] Added 1.16.2 support.

[ + ] Fixed a weird NPE which appeared in inventory navigation for literally no reason.

[ + ] As of now, /hp headinfo is available to OPs and console again.

6.11-SNAPSHOT-1 SNAPSHOT Jul 22, 2020
WorldGuard support, Debug Improvements, Looting changes and Bug Fixes
[ + ] Added WorldGuard flags for HeadsPlus - flags include head-drop (whether heads should drop in a region), head-craft (whether heads should be crafted in a region), allow-mask-use (whether mask effects should be applied in a region or not), head-denied-ids (denied entity IDs to be dropped in a region) and head-allowed-ids (allowed entity IDs to be dropped in a region, overrides denied IDs)

[ + ] Implemented a new feature which should enhance event debugging. Currently, the only event making the most of this is the EntityDeathEvent that is used to drop mob heads. All events have yet to utilise this feature, not to mention that it is still in the works.

[ + ] Any errors caused in other plugins by HeadsPlus when using the anvil GUI are now gone

[ + ] Bossbar tracking now uses UUIDs instead of entities/players

[ + ] Changed the looting system to comply more with Minecraft's looting system - this includes common thresholds (always increases the drop amount), uncommon thresholds (attempts to drop a second time with a higher chance depending on the level) and rare thresholds (only increases the chance by 1%). For more information, see here.

[ + ] Fixed the HeadsPlus API not working properly

[ + ] Attempting to use /hp headinfo remove <Entity> lore no longer kicks you from the server, but is still slightly bugged.

[ + ] Fixed problems with case insensitive masks not working

6.10.11 Jul 22, 2020