Were you looking for an excellent hub/lobby setup and you couldn't find one? Well don't look any further because here is an amazing hub/lobby setup that you won't regret using. Hey, welcome to our Hub Setup. This awesome hub has a lot features involving player's enjoyment and also lag free of any source. You will also come across some unique features in this setup, these features will make your server be the best server out there.

Join Our Discord Server for Help - https://dc.thunderdevelops.xyz

My Discord Username - Sarthak#8229


★ NPC's: these can be spotted nearly everywhere. They can be used to help players or teleport them between servers.
★ Tablist: a very nice and colorful tab list comes with this setup.
★ Scoreboard: this scoreboard has useful information and information about the servers on the bungeecord.
★ Items on Join: players are giving items that can be used to open the server selector, settings, hub selector, and more.
★ Custom Ban Messages: very clean messages, and could be customized to your liking.
★ Custom Messages: whenever a player joins, it will state that in the chat. If the player is a donator or a staff member, special effects such as fireworks and sounds would be heard.
★ Custom Menus: highly customized menus
★ Hub Selector: give a player the possibility to move across busy hub servers









Don't review the resource for BUGS/ERRORS, DM me instead [Discord - Sarthak#8229]. Remember, if you find a bug tell me via DM and I will fix it as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for using our Setup, hopefully you have interested our product and can give it a good use. If you wish you can vote for the setup in the ranting with 2b50.png2b50.png2b50.png2b50.png2b50.png.