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Note: This video does not show all features, but gives a basic description of what the plugin does and how to use it.
The video mentions that /gmc, /gamemode creative, etc. won't swap your inventory, but that's incorrect- it will.

HyperGamemodeSwap keeps creative and survival inventories completely separate, ensuring no one can cheat items from creative mode. It's perfect for builders and staff to enjoy creative without affecting the survival experience.

  • Separates creative, survival, adventure, and spectator inventories, enderchests, potion effects, and XP.
  • Teleport back to the last location you were at in a gamemode when swapping (if enabled in config).
  • Separate inventory for each world (if enabled in config).
  • Keeps track of blocks placed in creative, so that the player is unable to break that block in survival.
  • Prevents taming mobs, dropping items, opening chests, etc. whilst in creative.
  • Creative restriction bypass permission for trusted members. (hgs.bypass)
  • Blacklist specific commands from being used in certain gamemodes.
  • Blacklist specific items/blocks from being obtained in creative.
  • Blacklist specific worlds from using the plugin commands.
  • All restrictions and features are toggleable in config.
  • Easy to setup and works out of the box, with full configuration options for advanced users.
  • Supports all versions, 1.7 through 1.21.
  • Completely configurable messages.
  • And more!

Creative Restrictions (Bypassable with hgs.bypass permission)
  • Stops dropping and picking up items whilst in creative.
  • Disables opening containers whilst in creative. (chests, minecarts with chests, barrels, furnaces, shulker boxes, etc.)
  • Prevents combat whilst in creative
  • Prevents taming mobs whilst in creative.
  • Prevents eating food/drinking potions whilst in creative.
  • Disables the use of armor stands whilst in creative.
  • And more!

Commands & Permissions
  • /hgs - The main plugin command; can be used for commands listed below, or for a list of commands. - hgs.use.main
  • /gmswap (player) - Swap between survival and creative. - hgs.use.gmswap
  • /reloadswap - Reload the plugin configuration. - hgs.reload
  • /nightvision (player) - Toggle nightvision on/off in creative. - hgs.use.nightvision
  • /getitem [item] - Gives you any item in Minecraft; only usable in creative. - hgs.use.getitem
  • /follow (player) - Ride/follow the specified player. - hgs.use.follow
  • Separate inventories for each gamemode (if enabled in config) - hgs.swap
  • Bypass separate inventories for each gamemode (if enabled in config) - hgs.noswap
  • Swap another player's gamemode - hgs.use.gmswap.other
  • Toggle another player's nightvision - hgs.use.nightvision.other
  • Bypass creative restrictions and command blacklisting - hgs.bypass
  • Force a player's gamemode (if enabled in config) - hgs.forcegamemode