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ImageMapPlus makes map creation via images from the internet simpler.

Uses a custom renderer for optimized performance


Want to try before buying? Here's the Free Version


Plus Features:

  • Blacklisted Words: If any link contains those blacklisted words, the map won't generate.
  • Whitelisted Domains: Include domains from which players are allowed to generate maps.
  • Localization: Translate all the ingame messages to your preferred language with ease.
  • Discord Map Logger: Logs every generated map in a discord channel with the generated image, the player who generated the image and the timestamp.
  • Map Generation Requirement: Give players a requirement which needs to be fullfilled before they can generate a map. There are 3 types of requirement.
    • ImageMap Tokens Requirement: Use the built in Token currency (MySQL Supported) to charge players for each generation.
    • Economy Based Requirement: Players must have a predefined amount of the server's currency to be able to generate a map. The amount will be deducted from their balance if the map generation is successful. (Check Prerequisites below)
    • Item Based Requirement: Players must have a predefined amount of an item in their inventory to be able to generate a map. The items will be deducted from their inventory if the map generation is successful.

Plugin Showcase by GreenArrow99

Prerequisites for Economy Based Requirement

Discord Logger

Keep track of every generation in real-time even from your Phone. So, you can moderate and make sure that your server is safe.


  How It Works?


  Commands & Permissions


  Config Preview