1.10 Apr 1, 2023
New Version Support

[+] Add 1.19.4 Support
[+] Fixed some minor issues.

1.9 Feb 28, 2023
Bug Fixed!

[+] Add 1.19.3 Support
[+] Fixed some minor issues.

1.8 Jun 9, 2022
1.19 Support - v1.8

[+] Add 1.19 Support
[+] Add remove skin no permission except physical skin option (https://github.com/mdaffa48/ItemSkins-Files/issues/2)
[+] Add /itemskins preview command (https://github.com/mdaffa48/ItemSkins-Files/issues/3)

1.7 May 21, 2022
Slimefun Support, Tweaking Skin Loader - v1.7
[+] Add new skin called DoomHammer
[+] Ability to blacklist specific Slimefun items to skin
[+] Ability to bound one skin file to multiple materials (works with physical items too)

1.6 May 18, 2022
Bringing back the old config - v1.6

Now, the plugin will automatically load skins from the old config (skins.yml)

1.5 May 15, 2022
Plugin Recoded, 1.18.2 Support, New config system - v1.5

ItemSkins - v1.5

If you are updating the plugin, please create a backup for your plugin files, this update contains a breaking config system and you have to reconfigure all of your skins, example files will be generated on plugin startup, alternatively, you can take a look at our plugin files here https://github.com/mdaffa48/ItemSkins-Files. If you need help updating your plugin please join our discord server

[+] Add 1.18.2 support.

[+] Make skin preview follow players' cursor movement.

[+] Change config system to file per skin, so each skin will have a file.

[+] Removing /skin command and merging it with /itemskins command

[+] Add an update checker

1.3-b5 Jan 8, 2022
Bug Fixed - v1.3-b5

[+] The issue player cannot use skin remover item has now been fixed!
[+] Updating MCLibs, now you can use hex color on any messages. And you can leave the messages blank If you don't want that message to be sent.

1.3-b2 Dec 11, 2021
Bug Fixed - v1.3-b2
[+] Fixed an issue that prevents you from using physical skin and skin remover even you're not on creative gamemode.

1.3-b1 Dec 8, 2021
1.18 Support, Improved Libs - v1.3-b1
This is a BETA release for adding 1.18 support, any issues/bugs please report it on the support discord server.

[+] Added 1.18 support.

1.2 Nov 19, 2021
Physical Skin - v1.2
[+] Added physical skin feature, this feature is like a drag & drop on custom enchants plugin where you drag & drop the skin into the item, and the item will have the skin and also there is a skin remover where you can remove the skin from the item and turn it into a physical skin.

There are some new configs value, I suggest you to see the updated config here.

1.1 Nov 13, 2021
Pagination GUI, Item Track - v1.1
[+] Now you can add as many skins as you want because of the pagination GUI system.
[+] Added new items to the skin_inventory.yml, nextButton, and previousButton items.
[+] The plugin now will put unique data to every skinned item, with this it's possible to revert back the custom model data to the model data before the item was skinned.
[+] Added new option removeSkinNoPermission, this option will remove an item's skin if the player/user doesn't have permission to use that skin. The skin will be changed to default under 3 checks (Item Pickup, Item Interact, Inventory Click).

Note: You don't need to reset the configuration for this update, the configuration will be updated automatically.

1.0.0 Nov 9, 2021
Configuration Update - v1.0.0
[+] Now we provide a sample resource pack to use and update the configuration so it's matched with the sample resource pack.

1.0.0 Nov 7, 2021