Welcome to KDIRECTO!
            This plugin allows you to use /directo
               in your spigot/bukkit/paper server!



# /directo and more options
  - "&f&l+--------------------------------+"
  - "&f  El &njugador&r&f &e%player%&r&f &fEstá en directo!"
  - "&f  Link: &e%link%"
  - "&f&l+--------------------------------+"
cooldown: 60  # seconds
Sound: NOTE_PLING # Usa NONE if you dont want sounds
# another messages
InvalidLink: "&cLink inválido"
ConfigMsg: "&aConfig recargada!"
NoPerms: "&cNo tienes permiso para ejecutar este comando!"
CooldownMsg: "&cDebes esperar %cooldown% segundo(s)"
CorrectUse: "Uso correcto: /directo (link)"

# config.yml 100% customizable
kdirecto.reload - Allows you to reload the config. (/kdirecto reload)
kdirecto.directo - /directo command
kdirecto.help - Shows info
kdirecto.bypass.cooldown - Bypass the cooldown of /directo
getDirectoMessage() - returns the message to announce the live
setDirectoMessage(String msg)  message to announce the live

isPlayerInDirecto(Player player) - verifiy if the players is doing live
setDirectoAction(DirectoAction action) - actions when the player starts live
getDirectoAction() - get the action

onDirectoStart(Player player, String directoLink) The method is called when a player starts a stream, the player's link to the stream is passed as parameters
You can use sounds, link:

Questions that could come up with:

1. Is KDirecto compatible with proxies?
A. No, not at the moment but I plan to add compatibility in a future update :D!

2. Could I contribute to the plugin?
R. Sure :D, contact me on discord and we can talk about it.

3. I have a question, can you help me?
A. If you have a question, you can dm to me on Discord, it's on my polymart profile!

4. I liked your plugin! I would like to support you
A. Thank you! :D, if you want to support me you can just use my plugin and that's enough :D it would be a motivation for me, other options are joining my discord and sharing your ideas