KitPvP-Reforged is a new generation kitpvp plugin for Spigot/Paper servers
it is constantly updated, supports all 1.8.x versions.
If you find a bug, please don't leave a bad review, I'm always on and I'm
looking for bugs and i'm fixing them, if you message me on discord ( BinaryCodee#9579 )
or on Pull Requests I will do my best to fix the bug as soon as possible!
If you think there is something essential missing or something that could improve the
plugin, send me a message on discord (Siciliah#9579) or on Pull Requests and I will see
if I can add the feature. I've put a lot of time and effort into this plugin, I finally 
believe it's complete, so if you leave a good review it would make me very happy :)
The plugin version is currently 1.0.0

✨ Permissions
* reforgedkitpvp.staff - for all perms (/kitpvp with subcommands)
* reforgedkitpvp.spawn - /spawn perms
* reforgedkitpvp.reload - /kitpvp reload perms

🏹 Main Commands:
* /kitpvp or /kp - Main command & Bridge to SubCommand
* /spawn - Return to spawn
* /giveexp <player> <value> - To give levels a player
* /fix or /fixall - To open a Fix Inventory gui
* /dropsettings - To open a Item Drops gui
* /holograms help - Holograms Command
* /clan help or /gang help - Gangs/Clans command without GUI
* /pot or /stack - PotionStacker command
* /trade - Trade command
* /coinflip - CoinFlip command
* And more commands...

🧩 Placeholders
* %kpr_kills% - The player current kills
* %kpr_deaths% - The player current deaths
* %kpr_streak% - The player current kill streak
* %kpr_combat% - The player combat cooldown (15 seconds Default)
* %kpr_enderpearl% - The player enderpearl cooldown (15 seconds Default)
* %kpr_bounty% - The player bounty as number - Example: 100.000 or 100.000.000 ecc...
* %kpr_bounty_formatted% - The player bounty formatted - Example: 100K or 100M ecc... | M = Million - K = thousand ecc...
🔗 Features
* Axe deal more damage to armor
* EnderPearl & CombatLog cooldown with ActionBar configurable
* Statistics Manager
* Bounties System
* Spawn, FallDamage AntiBow on Spawn System
* Booster System (3 booster found)
* Respawn System (Return to spawn on death)
* Give Effect, item and Command on Kill/Assist
* Spawn protection
* PotionStacker System
* Clans/Gangs System (without database)
* Ability
* MSG System
* Announcements, AntiSwear System
* TrashCan System with Hopper & Command
* AutoLapis, BuildMode and more System
* Economy System with Vault (no essentials required)
* Kits System (Without GUI)
* DropSettings System with GoldenApple, Arrow, Sword and Potions
* AntiExploiting System Multiverse/Fawe ecc...
* CoinFlip System GUI
* InventoryRollBack System with GUI
* Trade System with GUI
* Punch System with GUI
* FixInventory with GUI System
* UnbreakableAnvils System
* Host Events like Sumo/Koth/BowBoost System
* WithDraw System
* InstantRespawn System (Skip Death Screen)
* First Join give Default kit
* On Death give Default kit
* Every 1 killstreak the console provides 200 money configurable
* Every 5 killstreaks the console provides 1 diamond and commands of the configurable
* AntiPlugins System
* Drugs System with Shop