niconeko Feb 6, 2024
Version 6.44.6
Plugin is worth all the money. Support is great on discord.
Syntrox Apr 24, 2024
Version 7.1.1
yurkhun Apr 10, 2024
Version 7.0.0
The plugin itself is cool, but kinda complex for the players. When I change from griefprevention over to lands my players hated the by chunky claim system they prefer a simple system with golden shovel, after many requests from my players I decided to stop using lands because players did not like the complexity of the plugin, the trust system is complex, the regions and then claiming is also complex and they hated it because of that. as a server owner I need to hear my players.
now I'm using griefprevention again, because it's easier and my players prefers claim by block than chunk.

but the plugin itself is a cool ideia but it could be made easier to understand and use.

the author answered my question in polymart without any problems. but before buying think carefully what your players want
HydraByte Dec 18, 2023
Version 6.42.6
Syndisia Sep 18, 2023
Version 6.35.1
A pretty good plugin for RP, World Development, and World Building servers full of many features, and the owner took suggestions seriously. I personally recommend this plugin over many others with its affordable price and good plugin support. Never regret buying this, you can use it for your whole lifespan.

Author's response
Thank you for your feedback!
HugeFiz Sep 7, 2023
Version 6.34.3
A nice plugin except for the lack of adequate placeholder support. worth buying.

Author's response
Actually, we offer quite a lot of placeholders: Also, the messages and GUI menus all support placeholders as well.
XaydenBT Jul 11, 2023
Version 6.32.6
TheRealestSetups Jul 6, 2023
Version 6.32.5
I have reached out on Discord. I followed the reccomended setting and it says land claim feature disabled on my Server. I am not sure why but its annoying. Would like support. Sent SS in discord too.

Author's response
You need to add the world to claim-worlds_list in config.yml.

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