![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fxyw3gBo.png)
All Features List:
All Features
- Powerful and full customisation
- Best performance
- Lands is designed to provide the best performance
- Only necessary data will be cached
- Actions are well optimised
- Lands is designed to provide the best performance
- Edit all messages
- You can even send messages as:
- Chat message and / or
- Title and / or
- Actionbar
- You can even send messages as:
- Edit all GUI things
- Item names
- Item lores
- Item slots
- Item materials
- Many configuration options
- Set default flags for lands
- Set default flags for roles
- Configure the claim height for each world (optional)
- Admin claims / safezones won't be affected
- Customise the creation of an claim and land
- Set requirements for claims
- Set notifications
- Interact with other plugins
- Multiworld support
- Allow land claiming in multiple worlds
- Allow random teleportation in multiple worlds
- With backup teleportation world
- Edit every land in an intuitive GUI
- There's an GUI for everything
- No commands needed
- Commands
- Set aliases for main command in config
- Block specific commands in lands where an players isn't trusted
- Block specific commands in lands for general
- Intuitive Permission System
- Option to give claims and / or lands by playtime. You can enable this in config
- If you're missing a permission, Lands will tell you in chat messages or GUI.
- Best performance
- Optimised and powerful system
- Role restrictions
- Create roles (like in Discord) and set flags
- Supports block sized sub areas
- Assign settings to specific roles
- Allow roles only to fly in lands (toggle-able) with bypass
- Set defaults in config
- Permissions
- Land settings
- Supports block sized sub areas
- Set defaults in config
- Permissions
- Create block sized sub areas
- Do actions like trusting players or set an role in specific areas (block sized; 3D)
- Actions in specific lands
- Smart system, which will automatically know which land you want to edit
- No annoying long commands needed
- Selections
- Selection chunks and use them for actions like claim, trust, untrust, setrole etc.
- Display your selection automatically and live
- Claiming
- Claim areas through an selection
- No item in hand needed
- Display your selection live with particles
- Claim an chunk through an simple command
- Claim chunks while walking over them (auto-claim)
- Claim areas through an selection
- Areas inside a Land
- You can fully disable this
- Let your players setup 3D areas inside their lands
- They can customise settings for these areas and trust players to them
- Setup taxes for areas
- Inspire players to create a land together
- Allow the land to claim more chunks if it gets more members
- Display how many claims the player will contribute to your land before you invite / trust him
- You can disable this
- Role restrictions
- Nations (optional)
- Create a nation and invite other lands to join you.
- Declare war against other nations or lands.
- Set taxes for your lands depending on their size.
- Reward lands with additional claims depending on your nation level.
- Wars (optional)
- War Declarations
- Send a war declaration to a enemy land
- Set a tribute (optional)
- A attacker can set a tribute. The defender land will need to pay this value in order to surrender.
- The enemy can also reject all surrenders.
- Set a max tribute value in config. With this setting you can prevent players setting ridiculously high tribute values
- Option to let Lands calculate the optimal max tribute value
- Option to divide the tribute between allies. The attacker can configure that in their GUI menu.
- Set a war preparation time in config
- Set a war notification scheduler in config
- War Declarations
- War preparation time (optional)
- Configure a war preparation time in config
- This is very useful to let all players now that the war is starting soon.
- Combat
- Configure every single aspect of combat and interaction in the enemies land.
- Allow / Disallow specific settings
- For example disallow destruction and allow placement of ladders etc.
- You can define each block for block breaking and placement
- There are many settings here):
- War rewards
- Configure custom war rewards in config
- All commands supported
- Reward them with robbery of the enemy land bank
- You can configure a maximum amount or let Lands decide
- Pillage (optional)
- Customize or even prevent pillages
- Set a minimum amount of players of the defenders, which need to be online before attackers can interact / fight in the enemy land.
- Prevent spawn-killing
- Set a logging cooldown
- Prevent players abusing the pillage minimum players setting
- Configure a specific period, in which the attackers can still interact in the enemy land, even with no players online (optional)
- Capture and hold (optional)
- The enemy can place capture points into the enemies land
- Once captured they can unclaim or claim the area, depending on your config
- War Shield
- Configure custom war shields in config
- Set war shield after surrender (optional)
- Set war shield after war (optional)
- Allies (Work in Progress; Not added yet)
- Option to allow the allies lands being a war field
- Huge GUI Menu
- Organise your wars in a nice GUI menu
- View all sort of information
- Huge GUI
- Edit all your lands and claims via an huge GUI
- Best performance
- Display player heads and skins without any lag or delay
- No commands needed
- Multi pages supported
- Auto size lore lines length (You can disable this)
- Edit GUI sizes
- Edit all items
- Edit all materials
- Edit all names
- Edit all lores
- Edit all slots
- Edit everything
- Easy to understand
- Players don't need to struggle with annoying commands
- Good and easy to understand concept
- Invites
- Invite players to your land or specific chunks
- Prevents permission abusing
- Offline players supported
- Accept / deny invites via an GUI
- GUI with much information
- Trap setting prevention
- Set join cost
- You can disable this
- Taxes / Economy
- Vault supported
- Well optimised
- Many options
- Set cost increase
- Set cashback
- Set taxes via GUI
- Land upkeep
- Let lands pay x amount of money per claim
- Unclaim latest claimed chunk, if the land can pay the bill (You can disable this)
- Set interval time
- Different tax modes
- Tax abusing prevention
- Options to customise
- Different modes
- Item based economy option
- Works without Vault
- You can enable / disable this
- Land banks
- Pay actions like /Lands claim with the land bank
- Let members deposit money in land bank
- You can enable / disable this in config
- Rent and Sell System
- Set sub areas for rent and sale
- Land owners can setup rental and sale signs to automatically let other players rent sub areas of this land
- Even whole lands can be sold
- Configurable
- Camps
- Players can place down a camp item which will create a temporary camp to protect their belongings.
- You can configure camps to not expand
- Configure claim radius
- Management
- Integrations
- WorldGuard integration
- Disallow players claiming in WorldGuard regions
- WorldGuard integration
- Delete inactive players
- Purge lands of inactive players
- Option to enable Lands to search for an new owner instead of deleting the land
- Option to disable / enable this
- Untrust inactive players from lands
- Option to disable / enable this
- Purge lands of inactive players
- List all created Lands on your server
- View all of them in a useful GUI menu
- Let the lands represent themselves
- Ability to open this menu from the main menu
- Command to open the menu
- Show stats about the land
- Integrations
- Permissions
- Numbered permissions
- Set max lands
- Set max chunks
- Set max members
- Give players x amount of free claims (no costs)
- Give players x amount of free land creations (no costs)
- Staff permission to allow bypassing protections or edit other players lands
- Full GUI support
- Give permissions by playtime (optimal)
- Numbered permissions
- Admin commands / actions
- Force trusting players in lands or specific chunks
- Force untrusting players in lands or specific chunks
- Edit lands or chunks via huge GUI
- Rename lands
- Delete lands or chunks (claims)
- Synchronise default land or role settings to all lands
- Console support
- Optimised command system
- Tab completion
- Sub commands are also supported
- Help pages
- Will only list commands you have access to
- Automatic page creation and calculation
- Tab completion
- Visualise borders
- Visualise claim borders
- Edit time
- Edit particles
- Show information about land / claim
- Taxes
- Roles (Trusted players)
- Position
- Visualise claim borders
- Land leave / enter announces
- Show information when entering an land
- Customisation for every land with placeholders
- Edit duration
- Send title and / or chat message and / or actionbar
- Lands chat
- Chat with your land
- Selection specific land
- Join chat room
- Optional Discord bridge (link)
- Official Discord Bot Addon
- Lands stats
- Top 10 lands leader board
- Show top 10 lands via signs with skulls of land owners
- Edit complete layout and messages
- Top 10 lands holograms
- Show top 10 lands on holograms
- Create unlimited holograms
- Fully customisation
- Note: This requires HolographicDisplays or CMI
- Top 10 lands leader board
- Random teleport
- Teleport to a random location via command /Lands wild
- Prevent water and lava (safe location lookup)
- It's super efficient and does NOT lag your server
- Configure options
- Prevent water and lava
- Prevent claimed land
- Set worlds
- Set backup world
- And more
- Dynmap, BlueMap and Pl3xMap Support
- Display lands at your dynmap, BlueMap or Pl3xMap
- Configure visualisation
- Set colour
- Set border thickness
- Customise text / description
- You can either use SQLite, JSON (no database required) or MySQL (read wiki)
- Placeholders for PlaceholderAPI
- Available placeholders:
- https://github.com/Angeschossen/Lands/wiki/PlaceholderAPI-Placeholders#placeholders
- Option to display the placeholders for that land you're standing in
- Available placeholders:
- Huge API
- Implement you own ideas into Lands
- Implement features of Lands into your plugin
- Import data from other plugins
- Import claims from other plugins to Lands
- Currently supported:
- Towny
- WorldGuard
- Griefprevention
- GriefDefender
- Residence
- RedProtect
- Your current claim plugin isn't listed? Let me know!
- Currently supported:
- Import claims from other plugins to Lands
- Wiki: https://github.com/Angeschossen/Lands/wiki
- Commands: https://github.com/Angeschossen/Lands/wiki/Permissions#command-permissions
- Config: https://github.com/Angeschossen/Lands/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml
- Permissions: https://github.com/Angeschossen/Lands/wiki/Permissions
- Languages (pre-translated): https://github.com/Angeschossen/Lands/tree/master/src/main/resources/Language
- Developer API: https://github.com/Angeschossen/LandsAPI
![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FATa9ltV.png)
This land claim plugin for Minecraft servers makes it very easy for you and your players to claim and secure their buildings. They can create some epic towns and fight against each other. With this plugin you finally prevent all forms of grief! It's a all features in one solution combined with a very useful management GUI menu for your players. It's designed to be easy to understand and use. Lands provides the perfect combination of the advantages from block based claims and chunk selection based claiming.
Terms of Service to which you agree by purchasing this plugin from polymart.org:
- You may not redistribute this plugin in any kind. We will take legal actions against that.
- You may not share any parts or code of this plugin. We will take legal actions against that.
- No refunds, as such a digital item is not eligible for a refund as it was immediately accessible to you and you may have used it. We will take legal actions against that.
- If you share or redistribute this plugin in any form, we may be obligated to report your account to Polymart, which might lead to your account and download access getting suspended permanently.