This addon requires Ultimate Clans 8.4.0+


Addon of: ⚔ Ultimate Clans ⚔ | Take your server to a higher level

With the Leaderheads Addon you can display the top clans in ways that are attractive to players, with the support of Signs, Armor stands, player heads, turning Holograms on or off and choose the type of armor for each rank.
Currently supporting 9 types of clan ranks which are: KILL, DEATH, KDR, MEMBER, BANK, LEVEL, WAR, ALL, POINT

This addon must be installed in the folder "/plugins/UltimateClans/addons/"


/clanleaderboard help - Show help menu.
/clanleaderboard reload - Reload settings.
/clanleaderboard create <statistic> <rank> - Create a leaderboard.
/clanleaderboard editmode - Enter edit mode.
/clanleaderboard update - Update a board.
/clanleaderboard delete <id> - Delete a board.
/clanleaderboard tp <id> - Update a board.

This addon does not contain additional commands.


Optional hook with: HolographicDisplays, Holograms, CMI or DecentHolograms
  Create Sign Boards:
  Create Sign with commands:
  Default config.yml