
This plugin is intended to serve as a lightweight lobby system for BungeeCord networks of various sizes.
It's very customizable, allowing you to alter practically everything and make it exactly how you want it!

This plugin allows for players to quickly travel between hubs on your BungeeCord network! Being light efficient, it is the perfect solution for your network!

Example of a working config:

 # The plugin needs to know which of the lobbies is this one, so please set this server's name below.
  this-lobby: lobby-1
  lobby-inv-name: "Lobby Selector"

# The material of a lobby that is available to join
  joinable-material: WHITE_CONCRETE
  joinable-lore: "&7Players: %players%/%maxplayers%,,&eClick to connect!" # Seperate each line with a comma. The available placeholders are %players% and %maxplayers%.

# The material of a lobby that is full, and cannot be joined.
  full-material: RED_CONCRETE
  full-lore: "&7Players: %players%/%maxplayers,,&4This lobby is full!" # Seperate each line with a comma. The available placeholders are %players% and %maxplayers%.
  already-connected-lore: "&7Players: %players%/%maxplayers,,&4You are already connected!" # Seperate each line with a comma. The available placeholders are %players% and %maxplayers%.

selector-material: NETHER_STAR # The material of the item the players use to join different lobbies.
  selector-slot: 9 # The slot number in which the selector is placed. 1 is the first slot, 9 is the last slot.
  selector-name: "&2Lobby Selector" # The name of the lobby selector.
  selector-lore: "&7Right click to change,&7what lobby you are,&7in!,,&eClick to view!" # The lore of the item. Separate each line with a comma!

      name: 'Lobby #1' # Name of the lobby, can be what ever you want, players will see this.
      ip: # The ip of the lobby
      port: 25566 # The port the lobby is on
      bungeeName: lobby-0 # The name of the lobby in the BuneeCord config file.
      maxplayers: 60 # The maximum amount of players on the server, just for looks.
      name: 'Lobby #2'
      port: 25567
      bungeeName: lobby-1
      maxplayers: 60
      name: 'Lobby #3'
      port: 25568
      bungeeName: lobby-2
      maxplayers: 60
      name: 'Lobby #4'
      port: 25569
      bungeeName: lobby-3
      maxplayers: 60
      name: 'Lobby #5'
      port: 25570
      bungeeName: lobby-4
      maxplayers: 60
This plugin is a neccessity for BungeeCord Networks, it allows players to travel between hubs, and connect with their friends!


  • Highly customizable gui and items
  • Light and efficient
  • Quick support on my discord (riches.exe#3743)
  • Easy to configure
  • Configurable lore, item name, item type