Optimised and Safe SpigotMC Software for Authentication

[LightLogin Preview]()]

Supported Software
- This software currently supports SpigotMC server software from version 1.17.1 to 1.20.5 (may work with 1.13 to 1.16 if not using void world feature)
- Necessitates to exclusively run with Java 11 or Newer.


- This plugin adds a secure authentication layer to your SpigotMC server, making it safe to join and play.
- Implements the most secure cryptography algorithms for user passwords.
- Register and Login commands will be removed from any logs\console for anonymity and safety.
- Implemented internal code to block external hackers or malicious plugins.
- Configurable Blindness Effect during login.
- JVM safety features to avoid password theft from malicious plugins.
- IP address checks.
- Animation for login with ticking and sounds.

- Extreme optimization features ensure no slowdown during the login phase.
- No performance weaknesses regardless of server size.

- Choose between English, Italiano, Español, Français, עברית, Русский, 中文, Tagalog.
- Configuration files provide support for every single message, login feature, and necessity.

Database Support
- Uses SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL (experimental) for safe and fast data storage.
- Extreme performance guaranteed with the HikariCP library.

- /login
- /register
- /unregister
- /unlogin
- /changepassword
- /email
- /lightlogin
- /resetpassword

- lightlogin.autologin - Enables auto login.
- - Enables info command
- lightlogin.resetpassword - Enables the resetpassword command
- lightlogin.admin.unlogin - Enables unlogin command
- lightlogin.admin.unregister - Enables unregister command

JVM Flags
- Allows regulation of parameters of the Argon2 encryption used by the server.

What to expect from LightLogin?
- Regular updates every month with new commands, GUIs, 2FA, Bungeecord support, and more!

Thanks for choosing us.