1.2.0 Sep 9, 2022
Major - v2 update notification


  • Added a specific notification to notify all users to update once we drop the v2 update (Important as v1 will only remain supported for 30 days after the v2 update as we will retire the v1 API).

Report any further issues in the discord & Thank you for choosing LinkNSync 

1.1.1 Mar 22, 2022
Minor - Boot Terminal Fix
Reverted back to using Semantic Versioning for our versioning system
Read more here: https://semver.org/
Bigger update coming later this month, With some new features
Report any further issues in the discord & Thank you for choosing LinkNSync Feb 23, 2022
Major - Fixed a access plugin bug.
  • Addressed an issue where if your server doesn't connect to our API players without a User.ID could bypass our checks and get onto a server
    (this has been resolved anyone experiencing this issue should update to this version immediately).
  • Made it so other than OPS, Java Whitelisted, and those with the lns.bypass permission no one else can connect to a server if the API disconnects. (this is the 2nd part of the issue above).
    (Any further issues on this should be posted in a ticket on discord so we can look into it).
Extra Notes:
We have updated how our version scheme works "version.major.minor.bugfix" from now on.

1.0.9 Feb 20, 2022
Minor - Fixed a variable from 1.0.6
  • Corrected the Running Plugin variable found in the console (implemented in 1.0.6) for User and Devs (Used to pull the latest version available, Now reports the running version appropriately).
That is all :) Enjoy.

1.0.8 Feb 19, 2022
Minor - Ver Check Added
  • Added a /lns Version command for users to easily check the latest version they have
    (Was also so I stopped forgetting the command >.<)
  • Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes (nothing major, As we prep for the premium to launch soon).
Known Issues
  • Whitelist usernames not clearing properly if someone isn't an active sub.
    (we plan to have this fixed ASAP, (Users will expire after 7 days of being in the list as our plugin checks if they are a sub and removes them if there not anyway, (This just prevents lists expanding infinitely)).

1.0.7 Feb 7, 2022
Minor - Whitelisting & Blacklisting Fix's
  • Whitelist now reflects properly in-game when adding and removing users (Fixed a Caching issue).
  • Fixed a Blacklisting issue (Premium feature coming soon), Where users being added and removed would not reflect properly in-game and would remain whitelisted until a server restart happened.
  • Addressed an issue where the owner could be removed from the whitelist (This didn't matter in 90% of cases since premium isn't out but resulted in entire whitelists being deleted when moving users between the groups oops).
  • Fixed the blacklist adding back to the whitelist and also fixed an issue where the blacklist would break username history checking and remain stuck in the blacklist.

1.0.6 Jan 16, 2022
Minor - Server info and Shutdown bug
  • Added build and server-based information for easier debugging when reporting an issue to us.
  1. Example:
  • Fixed an issue where the plugin would not shut down properly and generated an error upon server shutdown.

1.0.5 Jan 14, 2022
Major - Updates for your update


  • We heard you like updates so we added updates to the update, Get version 1.0.5 to get notified when there is now an update available.

- To see updates you need to be OP or have given the permission lns.notify to the respective role.




1.0.4 Jan 13, 2022
Major - Reconnect Fix
  • Fixed a issue where after a disconnect there was no way to reconnect to the sever without a reboot, Now when a player joins if the API has disconnected it will try to do a reconnect.

1.0.3 Jan 8, 2022
Minor Fix - Response message


  • Fixed in the game response message when linking a server. Dec 15, 2021
bStats Update
- Added bStats to the plugin so metrics can be tracked.

If you downloaded v1.0.3 (now removed and reuploaded as you will be fine its just our dev forgot to update the version number on the plugin so next update will be 1.0.3 instead (apologies).

1.0.2 Dec 6, 2021
Whitelist Clash Fix (Again)
- Fixed MC Whitelisting Priority issue where the vanilla whitelist wouldn't let whitelisted users on properly.

To use the vanilla whitelist along side our plugin HAVE the vanilla whitelist disabled (LNS will still read from it) the vanilla whitelist acts as a bypass just like OP. Dec 6, 2021
JAR Check
Double checking I uploading the correct JAR that fixed a big issue we had with whitelist collision with javas default

1.0.1 Dec 5, 2021
MAJOR FIX's Update
- Fixed MC Whitelisting Priority issue.

- Fixed Auto Whitelist Subscriber API issue. (Basically our entire plugin died... oops)
- Fixed it when if you unlink your MC account and then relink, your account wouldn't get added back as owner on all of your servers.
(This also fixes it for every user that created a server and linked their MC account afterwards and still didn't get added as owner on their servers.
To see this in effect, please (re)link your MC account!)
- Fixed a bug where when doing /lns connect it would create 2 separate connections, and potentially cause a lot of bugs.

1.0.0 Dec 4, 2021
Launch update
This is a Soft Launch, Please post any bugs / issues in our discord.

0.0.1 Oct 18, 2021
This is a placeholder for the actual plugin