
This pack contains:

  • Basic resource pack for the server (It is combined with the LiteFish config. You do not need third-party plugins like ItemsAdder or Oraxen for it to work)
  • Oraxen configuration
  • ItemsAdder configuration
  • LiteFish configuration (1.20+)
  • All textures (220+ 32x32)



Plugin for those who want to greatly diversify fishing in minecraft

All textures were ordered from author Nekolole4ka for commercial use LiteFish.

All textures are unique and not taken from anywhere.




Oraxen and ItemsAdder config:

Config adds new items, unique names, as well as gradients for a rare type of items.

LiteFish config:

Config contains:

  • balanced odds, as well as prices for a good economy (all prices can be calibrated using LiteFish /lfish price print this will allow one-time for all categories to calibrate all prices for the economy of your server)
  • Interesting game mechanics (for example, albinos can only be caught on a full moon and they are quite expensive)
  • Added scripts to LiteFish that add epic when catching monsters (look in showcase)


Open the archive file and move the contents to your server's "plugins" folder. The move must be done with a replacement. Please note that you will replace your current LiteFish config in this way, so save it beforehand if it is unique