The plugin provides a variety of functionality for creating guilds. The administrator can create his own guild presets (Farming Guild, Fishermens Guild, Miners Guild, Hunters Guild, etc.). Each type of guild can have unique features. internal store and tasks.

Level System
Administrator can create his own level system for each type of guild
Administrator can create his own level system for each type of guild

The guild master can create custom ranks and set permissions
The guild master can create custom ranks and set permissions

The owner can set a tax in his guild. Guild members will donate part of the proceeds to the guild bank

Over a period of time, various quests are generated depending on the level of the guild. The higher the guild level, the more valuable and more quests are issued
Over a period of time, various quests are generated depending on the level of the guild. The higher the guild level, the more valuable and more quests are issued
Each guild member receives his own reward for completing part of the task, the guild tax is also taken into account and is displayed in the leaderboard on the task

Dynamic quests tracking

Each guild has its own internal store. In which players can buy items with money

Banner system
The guild can set up its own banner with any possible image

Full customization!
Guilds, Ranks, Quests, Shop. Everything can be customized, as well as all GUI for your server

Future updates
- Clan Wars
- Clan items
- GUI for creating and editing guild types
- More conditions for creating quests