2.4 Jan 1, 2022
Proxy & Auth Update
This update is a required update for my new Auth Setup.

New Features:
1. Multiple changes and additions to support Proxy & Auth Setup.

2.3 Jan 1, 2022
Plugin Updates, Features Removal & Changes
It's Important to keep up-to-date with the latest plugin versions.

- FAWE has been updated to the latest release.
- PartyHats has been updated to the latest release.
- PufferFish has been updated to the latest release.

New Features & Changes:
1. Updated Server MOTD.
2. Updated Server Icon.
3. Removed Chat Emojis.
4. Removed AntiVPN.

Additional Notes:
You no longer require SmartInvs as a dependency.
New website @ https://www.jamesmcm.com

If you require support please join https://discord.gg/jamesmcm

2.2 Dec 27, 2021
Bug Fixes & Plugin Updates
It's Important to keep up-to-date with the latest plugin versions.

- FAWE has been updated to the latest release.
- PartyHats has been updated to the latest release.

New Features:
1. I now have a website at https://jamsetups.com

If you require support please join https://discord.gg/jammy

2.1 Dec 26, 2021
Bug Fixes & Plugin Updates
It's Important to keep up-to-date with the latest plugin versions.

- FAWE has been updated to the latest release.
- PufferFish has been updated to the latest release.

New Features:
/EList command to show what emojis you can use.

Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed an error in the spelling of emojis configuration.
2. Fixed players missing the /spawn permission.
3. Fixed tab design error with MVP+ Rank.

If you require support please join https://discord.gg/jammy

2.0 Dec 26, 2021
The Big 2.0 Update
It's Important to keep up-to-date with the latest plugin versions.

- Updated to the latest available release of ProtcolLib
- Updated to the latest available release of FAWE.

New Features:
1. Build has been edited to add an npc area for your servers.
2. Lobby Tags System.
3. AntiVPN System.
4. Chat Emojis.
5. New Join MOTD.
6. New MOTD.

If you require support please join https://discord.gg/jammy

1.8 Dec 26, 2021
Plugin Updates & New Features
It's Important to keep up-to-date with the latest plugin versions.

- PartyHats has been updated latest release as it had some errors with starting.
- FAWE has been updated to the latest release.

New Features:
1. Party Hats now features even more hats!

Additional Notes:
You can download the latest PartyHats Jar under the dependencies section.

1.7 Dec 25, 2021
Version Support Update
New Features:
1. Players can now join the Lobby using versions 1.8 - 1.18.
2. Support Discord released @ https://discord.gg/jammy

If you require support please join https://discord.gg/jammy

1.6 Dec 25, 2021
Small Plugin Update
It's Important to keep up-to-date with the latest plugin versions.

- PartyHats has been updated and offers new configuration options.

If you require support please add Jam#1234.

Additional Notes:
You can download the latest PartyHats Jar under the dependencies section.

1.5 Dec 25, 2021
Plugin Updates & New Features: Cosmetics, Parkour & More!
It's Important to keep up-to-date with the latest plugin versions.

- FAWE has been updated to the latest available release.
- Server jar has been updated to the latest available release.

New Features:
1. The Build now features a small Parkour Course.
2. New Cosmetics Feature. Donators can now Equip a range of hats.
3. Auto Restarts. The Lobby will now restart every 12 hours.

If you require support please add Jam#1234.

Additional Notes:
To make use of our new Cosmetics Feature you require a premium plugin.
This can be found under the dependencies section.

Updated imgur gallery to show new features.

1.4 Dec 22, 2021
Plugin Update
Updated to the latest release of FAWE.

If you require support please add Jam#1234

1.3 Dec 22, 2021
Bug Fix
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed an issue where pvp was not working correctly.
2. Fixed an issue where players were dropping items on death.

Renamed Hub.jar to server.jar for ease of starting servers for players.

If you require support please add Jam#1234.

1.1 Dec 22, 2021
Bug Fixes & New Features
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed Discord NPC showing black lines on the skin.
2. Fixed DeluxeHub and WorldGuard duplicating error messages.

New Feature:
1. Added /sit, /lay, /crawl & /spin commands.
2. You can now PvP in the Lobby with other players.

If you require support please add Jam#1234.

Additional Notes:
To make use of the new Hub PvP Feature you require a premium plugin.
This can be found under the dependencies section.

1.0 Dec 22, 2021