
What is LobbyParkour98?​

LobbyParkour98 is a new custom-made plugin that allows you to easily create, and set up your own parkour courses without any of the hassle of messing with multiple commands or confusing configs. You can use this plugin to spice up your server's spawn, or have a whole parkour area with different courses you create!

You can choose one of any of the current pressure plates in the game to save your Start, Checkpoints, and where the course Ends. You can even set custom messages for when a player successfully passes any of the set points. Everything is easily customizable as well! You can choose if you want a message when a player passes a checkpoint, or if you want them to see the time of their current pace. And if you so choose you can enable or disable any course you made with a simple click.

LobbyParkour98 works with the Decent Holograms plugin to also allow you to set up leaderboards for the fastest players, and where every checkpoint is located. Just set up an area you want the leaderboard to be and all the work is done for you. The leaderboard holograms also automatically update so it always stays up to date with any new top scores.

Your input is valuable to me. If there are any features you'd like to see added, or if you encounter any bugs, please bring it to my attention. Thank you!

Setup Guide


enabled: false
jdbcUrl: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft"
username: "root"
password: "root"
maximumPoolSize: 10
minimumIdle: 2
idleTimeout: 600000 # 10 minutes
enabled: true
DecentHolograms: true
name: "&cQuit Course"
material: RED_BANNER
slot: 8
- "&7Click to quit the course"
name: "&aLast Checkpoint"
material: GREEN_BANNER
slot: 7
- "&7Click to go back to the last checkpoint"
firstline: "&6&lLeaderboard {corsename} "
secondline: "&7&m------------------"
scorelines: "&e{player} &7- &e{time}"
toponecolor: "&e"
toptwocolor: "&6"
topthreecolor: "&c"