![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FXsqsl3Z.png)
- ✅ NoNettyCrasher (prevents netty exploit without any ViaVersion fork)
- ✅ NoAntiCheatCrasher (fix exploits that cause anti-cheats to make the server use 100% CPU)
- ✅ Doesn't require any dependency
- ✅ Custom Packet Injection (packets are analyzed and blocked before the server can read them in a different way compared to any other anti-exploit)
- ✅ Easy and detailed configuration
- ✅ Nice GUI for recent alerts
- ✅ Advanced packet logger incorporated with maximum files creation to avoid huge memory usage (can be disabled)
- ✅ 1.8-1.16 Compatibility on spigot
- ✅ Blocks almost every crash/lag exploit
- ✅ Frequent updates when a new exploit is detected
- ✅ Option to completely disable packets (useful for lobbies)
- ✅ Printer/Schematica mod compatibility
- ✅ Detailed and no spam alerts with configurable permission
- UNIQUE ANTI NETTY CRASHER, few rare clients, like GasClient, have NettyCrasher exploits, one type of exploit that doesn't affect the server's TPS but Netty's threads. A NettyCrasher makes Netty's threads busy when a packet gets decoded, so the server crashes and doesn't listen for any packet anymore. LPX is the only anti-exploit having this check without the use of any strange ViaVersion fork or Spigot fork.
- Custom Injection and No dependency, LPX uses a unique way to inject compared to every else anti-exploit, this is useful because Packets don't even reach the spigot decoder and they don't affect the server if blocked.
- Smooth Packet Limiter, Usually, anti-exploits don't encourage the use of packet limiter because it always causes problems for players with bad networking. LPX has an accurate way to count spam packets and has a fully working VL system to prevent false flags when players lag.
- Printer/Schematica Mod Compatibility, usually packet limiters and anti-exploits needs difficult configuration to allow printer-mode, LPX has a very useful option that detects when a player started using printer mode and guarantees no false kicks
- Advanced Packet Logger, did your server crash with LPX? No problem, if you want we log every packet sent from any player to understand what type of exploit did he used and we can fix it in a few days. Packet Logger can be disabled, configured, and doesn't take too much memory because of automatic old file removal.
- Easy and detailed configuration, you can edit almost everything while you detect false-flags, you can choose to enable/disable kicks for every check, enable/disable specific checks and change EVERY VALUE used in the code.
- Packet Blocker, are you using LPX on a simple Pre-Hub that doesn't need to handle packets like Chat, EntityInteraction? You can disable packets completely to make the server run smoother.
license: "null"
prefix: "&6LPX >>&7"
message: "%prefix% &e%player% &7%message%"
kick: "%prefix% &e%player% &7was kicked."
kick-message: "%prefix% &eYou sent suspicious packets"
alert-on: "%prefix% &7Notifications &aenabled"
alert-off: "%prefix% &7Notifications &cdisabled"
no-permission: "%prefix% &cNo permission (%permission%)"
#Commands to be execute when a player gets kicked, example:
# - "ban %player%"
kick-commands: [ ]
#If this option is set to true players won't be able to see the output of /lpx
hide-commands: false
#Check if the plugin can be updated. Update message will be sent to players with "lpx.alerts"
check-updates: true
#Enable this only if you have fake players that gives error when injected
ignore-uninjected: false
#Decide to always block a specific packet
#Every packet you will put here will be completely ignored from the server
blocks: { }
# Strict Mode types:
# AUTOMATIC - Will detect your server version and choose a mode
# HARD - Very strict checks, recommended on 1.8
# AVERAGE - Generally common checks, recommended on 1.12
# SOFT - Permissible checks, recommended on 1.13+
strictness: AUTOMATIC
#Enable this if your server allows the use of printer/schematica mod and you are not using our Printer API (Automatic)
allow-printer: false
#Lower this value if player doesn't enter in printer mode correctly (Automatic only)
place-threshold: 11
#Idle time after exiting printer mode (Automatic only)
disable-delay: 2000
#Max packet per seconds
max-pps: 780
#Checks the size of every packet received, it could "false flag" on 1.13+ servers because they have big items, you can increase it
max-size: 12288
#Valid only for HARD strict mode
max: 3
enabled: false
#Max packet per 2 second over the threshold
max-large-pps: 6
#Anything over this size will be rate limited.
large-packet-threshold: 2048
#Values taken from Paper 1.12
#Max bytes for every page with Paper's check
page-max: 2560
#Multiplier for every byte
total-multiplier: 0.98
#Maximum number of iterations a book page can have
max-iterations: 8
#Maximum number of iterations a book can have
max-total-iterations: 50
#Maximum milliseconds it takes to handle a book
max-iteration-time: 70
# ----------------------------------------
# max | Packet count, when you reach this value it will start increasing VL
# max-vl | VL count, when the VL reach this value you will get alert/kick
# reset-vl | Time in milliseconds to wait to reset VL to 0, it applies only if you stop increasing VL
# add-delay | Minimum time in milliseconds to wait before adding a new VL, this is used for checks that needs more time.
# enabled | Whether the check is enabled or not
# kick | Whether a player should be kicked
# ----------------------------------------
#Sent when left clicking
max: 50
max-vl: 3
reset-vl: 1000
kick: true
#Sent when someone places a block
max: 50
max-vl: 4
reset-vl: 50
#When you place a block that you don't have
enabled: true
kick: false
#When you place a block too far away
max: 3
enabled: true
kick: true
#Sent when you click an inventory
max: 40
max-vl: 4
reset-vl: 300
#When you click an item that doesn't exists
enabled: true
kick: true
#When you click an item when you shouldn't
enabled: true
kick: false
#Sent in certain cases like: writing a book, renaming on anvil, bungeecord's pluginmessage
#Time to wait to enable this check after a player joined in milliseconds
start-delay: 500
max: 50
#Payload sent by the client
max-vanilla: 10
max-vl: 3
reset-vl: 800
#Sent when a player moves
max: 70
max-vl: 3
reset-vl: 1000
kick: true
#When you teleport to high coordinates
anti-cheat: true
#When you move too fast
enabled: false
kick: false
max-vl: 3
reset-vl: 1000
add-delay: 50
#When you move into an unloaded chunk
enabled: true
kick: false
max-vl: 5
reset-vl: 1000
add-delay: 300
#When you use the recipe crafting book
max: 10
kick: false
#Check if the inventory is opened before handling inventory clicks
open-check: true
#Check if the inventory click is on an empty slot
empty-slot-check: true
#Check if the inventory click is on an invalid slot
invalid-slot-check: false
#Check if the inventory click is on an higher slot than maximum
max-slot-check: true
#Check if the player is in creative before handling SetCreativeSlot, Disable this if it causes issues with Printer mode
creative-check: true
#Max item per seconds, this applies for all the packets containing items
max-ips: 40
max-vl: 3
reset-vl: 1000
add-delay: 250
#Max size of an ItemStack in bytes
max-size: 12288
#Max enchantment
max-enchantment: 127
#Min enchantment
min-enchantment: 0
#Max name size in bytes
max-name: 128
#Max lore size in bytes
max-lore: 1024
#Max amount of an ItemStack
max-amount: 64
#Whether to kick for any of these violations
kick: true
#Max number of pages allowed
max-pages: 50
#Max number of bytes allowed per page
max-bytes: 512
#Destroys books that forces player to execute commands
destroy-command: false
#Destroys books with invalid translations that can crash certain clients
destroy-invalid-translation: false
#Enable this if players have creative mode and you don't want illegal items
destroy: false
#Max rows for a sign
max-rows: 4
#Max number of bytes allowed per sign row
max-characters: 384
#Packet logger
enabled: false
#These players won't be packet logged
# - Ytnoos
# - bbydox
#List of packets to ignore
#open spigot jar and find net.minecraft.server.PacketPlayIn.####)
- PacketPlayInFlying
- PacketPlayInKeepAlive
- PacketPlayInLook
- PacketPlayInPosition
- PacketPlayInPositionLook
- PacketPlayInArmAnimation
- PacketPlayInTransaction
#Max files can be created in a run (newer files will replace older once reached the limit)
max-files: 10
#Max packets to log on each file
max-ppfs: 1000
#Number in days before folder get auto removed
old-folders: 3
IS IT WORTH IT?: ![[img] tag](https://images.polymart.org/proxy/?v=1724&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbstats.org%2Fsignatures%2Fbukkit%2FLPX.svg)
Contact/Support/License Request:
- (BotSentry testserver)
- The license will be valid ONLY for 1 network but you can ask to make the license work with more than 1 IP if you own different machines.
- The license request may take up to 24 hours, don't buy the protection meanwhile you are getting attacked, Prevention is better than cure
- LPX aims to protect your server at a packet level, it won't touch anything related to vanilla mechanics such as Redstone lag machines, block placing
- LPX does not have to solve problems generated by other plugins such as TPS drop, our support service guarantees you to find which plugin is causing the problem