- We changed the way you get glyphs from Oraxen and also sent a new resource-pack on the discord server.
- Attempted to prevent duplication of off hand cosmetics when right clicking on off hand items that are horse or wolf leather armor in versions higher than 1.20.6.
- Fixed a problem with backpacks that was causing players to be unexpectedly kicked.
- Fixed a problem with menu items showing attributes even though they were hidden.
- Fixed a problem with the offSetY of the hats that did not work when starting the server.
- Added more security to the world blacklisting issue, i.e. now players will not be able to use the cosmetics command or open the cosmetics menu or use cosmetics.
- Added support for textured heads in the GUI.
- Fixed the problem of not displaying enchantments and not hiding attributes correctly in versions higher than 1.20.6.
- Compatibility with 1.21.1
- Fixed not being able to teleport when you have a backpack equipped.
- Among others more...
- Fixed a problem with backpacks in 1.20.1
- Added toggle command for the console.
- Fixed a duplication issue, dropping items that are in a stack one by one and then all at once will duplicate one more item than normal.
- Fixed an issue that did not allow use on Java 11 Servers.
- Fixed duplication issues with inventory cosmetics when trying to constantly drop them (discovered by Vigo666).
- Fixed duplication issues in inventory cosmetics for proxies.
- Fixed a problem in PlaceholderAPI placeholders, now you must include {} braces to specify a type or id
i.e. instead of using example: %magicosmetics_available_hat% you should use %magicosmetics_available_{hat}%. This is to avoid problems with IDs or cosmetic types containing underscores.
- Fixed a problem with mode switching when entering a zone/wardrobe in versions higher than 1.20.5.
Fixed an issue with logging in and having the plugin on backend servers with proxies.
- Fixed a problem when exiting the server in proxy mode.
Fixed a problem with servers that have the proxy active.
- Fixed an issue with the 2.9.4 update.
- Fixed an issue with helmet and off hand inventory cosmetics.
- Added ability to hide cosmetics from certain players to the API.
- Fixed SkinsRestorer issue when in proxy mode.
- Unnecessary debug was removed.
- Fixed a problem with the inventory cosmetics that when dying and having the keepInventory option set to true these are still dropped.
- Fixed a problem with the inventory cosmetics when having the overlaps option disabled and removing the cosmetic did not remove the item from the corresponding slot.
- Fixed a problem with the inventory cosmetics when having the overlaps option disabled and die doubles your items that you have in the helmet slot or offhand if you have the cosmetics at the same time and drops them.
- Fixed a duplication problem with inventory cosmetics having the overlaps option set to false, having a stored item and leaving the wardrobe at the same time.
- Fixed a problem that when removing an item from a hat type cosmetic inventory with the overlaps option deactivated, an error was thrown.
- Fixed an NBT duplication problem in the combined cosmetics.
- Fixed a problem regarding Oraxen api.
- Added support to version 1.20.4
- Fixed some problems with inventory cosmetics:
You could not place items in the hat slot when you had it equipped.
When placing blocks from the offhand with a cosmetic equipped and returning them to your inventory by clicking on the offhand slot, it returns to the initial state.