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2.3.6 Jun 6, 2023
fixes and more.

- In 1.16.5 it is not possible to change the menu page when inside a zone - Fixed.

- Added a new option in the hats, it is "offset-y" so that developers can use it.

2.3.5 Jun 6, 2023
fixed bug

In version 1.16.5 Interaction with the menu while inside a zone does not work - Fixed

2.3.4 Jun 6, 2023
fixed bug

When equipping a hat type cosmetic to the npc a console error occurs - Fixed
NPC cosmetics sometimes take a long time to load - Fixed.

2.3.3 Jun 6, 2023
fixed bug

Fixed the problem "Error: Channel Pipeline not found" when using version 2.3.2 and your server is version 1.19.4.

2.3.2 Jun 6, 2023
fixes and more.

- Incompatibility with Denizen plugin Fixed.
- NPC sometimes don't load cosmetics fixed (You must put cosmetics to the npc again).
- In the wardrobe I can't open the menu if the npc is too close - Fixed.
- Added an option for permissions, this will decide on which server you want to grant permissions of cosmetics when redeeming tokens or adding cosmetics by command.
- Synchronization with proxys - Fixed

2.3.1 May 5, 2023
fixes and more.

- Multiple Balloons appear when entering randomly - Fixed
- Backpacks that have the "space" option set when removed exceeding the limit do not reappear in version 1.19.4. - Fixed
- Added command type actions when entering and exiting zones.
- Added an option in config.yml to enable or disable zone actions.

2.3.0 May 5, 2023
fixes and more.

- Hitting the wardrobe always opened the hat menu instead of the main-menu set in the config should open the hat menu.
- PlaceholderAPI does not work on the displayname of the item.
- PlaceholderAPI does not work on menu title.
- Balloons working 100% asynchronously (missing Hats, Backpacks and Off Hand).
- ModelEngine Balloons have been improved and reset (previously the balloons were flipped to the back side by code).
- There were changes in the api and some adjustments to be compatible with the upcoming MagicGestures plugin.

2.2.9 Apr 23, 2023
fixed bug

- In version 1.19.4 when equipping a backpack, interactions with any entity, items or blocks fail.

2.2.8 Apr 10, 2023
Expected upgrade

- Support for the latest version of ModelEngine (R3.1.6) has been fixed.
- Added support for version 1.19.4 (No Display Entities at the moment)
- Removed support for an obsolete version of the oraxen api.

Note: Sorry for the delay of the update, I will be more pending, I promise!

2.2.7 Feb 22, 2023
small update

- fixed the problem that when you have a token with the same id of a cosmetic and you have this cosmetic equipped, the token disappears when you have it in your inventory (this will probably cause some existing tokens to no longer work, don't worry just redeem the non-functional token in the token menu `/cosmetics open token` and it will give you the new functional token.).

- regarding the first-person backpack, the height value has been modified so that it can be used even at 0.

2.2.6 Feb 17, 2023
small update

- Added the option to place items instead of just colors for the color menu:                attachment.png

- Now bag-for-me option now supports oraxen & itemsadder items 

2.2.5 Feb 7, 2023
small update

- We accidentally broke the sprays in the previous update but they have been fixed!

2.2.4 Feb 7, 2023
small update
- Removed unnecessary logs
- Changed the way distance is calculated for rendering balloons/backpacks

2.2.3 Feb 7, 2023
Added & fixed bugs

- Fixed an issue where sometimes it would not let you exit the wardrobe and the only option was to restart the server and this caused your players to lose items.
- A new option has been added to change the way your balloon follows you (currently works only on items).

2.2.2 Jan 23, 2023
small update

- Fixed a syntax error in the databases.

2.2.1 Jan 23, 2023
fixed bugs

- Improved functionality in the databases
- An autosave was implemented and an option to control the autosave time was added in config.yml and the save-on-quit option was removed.
- Fixed the problem that causes players to disconnect without deleting their cosmetics.
- Improved the performance of some plugin functions.

2.2.0 Jan 16, 2023
small update

- the slots-available option in the color and free color menus made some colors within that list disappear which did not complete the list of secondary colors.

2.1.9 Jan 14, 2023
small update

- Fixed the problem that you could not dye a firework item in the cosmetic color menu, you could only dye it in the free color menu.

2.1.8 Jan 14, 2023
small update

- Added firework as a tintable item in the color and free color menus.

2.1.7 Jan 12, 2023
small update

- Fixed the problem that when having a balloon with a custom ItemsAdder entity and having the invisible-leash option enabled, the balloon falls to absolute emptiness.

2.1.6 Jan 12, 2023
Added & fixed bugs

- New methods for obtaining all cosmetics were added to the api.
- Fixed the token color problem.
- Added multiple items in the back-button and next-button menus.
- The bossbar now accepts glyphs from oraxen and fonts from ItemsAdder.

2.1.4 Dec 20, 2022
small update
  • Support for version 1.19.3 has been added.
  • The color of the token display name has been fixed.

2.1.3 Dec 16, 2022
tokens & messages

- An option was added to the tokens, to redeem them by cosmetic category, that is to say, it will take all the cosmetics of that category and will draw among the cosmetics that you have not unlocked (wiki).

- Changed some messages from a simple text to a list of text messages


2.1.2 Dec 5, 2022
Problem with backpacks.

- Fixed the problem with the backpacks that are sometimes seen on the ground instead of being equipped with a backpack.

2.1.1 Nov 27, 2022
Important update!

- In the previous version (2.1.0) it was accidentally put as a dependency on the Oraxen plugin, this update fixes this. It is not necessary to use Oraxen for this plugin to work!
- Added the option to choose which menu you want to open when executing the /cosmetics command.

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