The plugin again supports oraxen 100% and an add-on was built to make it easier to use for those who use the Oraxen plugin!
- The spray could not be used when you had a cane.
- When trying to place an item in a frame an error occurred.
- The sqlite database was not working properly due to the permissions implementation.
- The equipped cosmetics support PlaceholderAPI.
- Changed path 'already-all-cosmetics' to 'already-all-unlocked' in messages.yml
- New message paths have been added for a new command
- Fixed the problem with tokens sharing the same inventory with all users and could generate duplication of tokens.
- Tokens now support permissions!
- Corrected the problem of ItemsAdder or ModelEngine when spawning a balloon with those two only allowed to spawn 1 at a time which caused conflicts when more players wanted to use the same balloon.
- A new command /cosmetics removeAll <player> has been added.
- addAll, add, remove, removeAll commands now support permissions!
- An option was added to the cosmetics to decide if you want them to be shown when using an emote.
Check out what's new here
- Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI did not work in the balloon and spray menu. ✔
- end-slot in menus.yml were corrected now they will take the real number, previously it took the number and changed it because of that sometimes it produced an ArrayOutOfBoundsException. ✔
please go to menus.yml and change the previous value of all menus from 39 to 43.
- conflict in the color menu. ✔
- added a new command
/cosmetics hideAll
will hide all your equipped cosmetics. - color has been added to the ItemsAdder custom entities.
- A more efficient form of first-person backpacking was implemented.
- Added an option to sort the cosmetics menu.
- Added an option for you to set the idle and walk animation of balloons using Meg or IA.
- Improved ItemsAdder custom entities.
- The API has been redesigned to give you access to more features!
The api has been modified, more information here.
New paths were added to the wiki.
- Unnecessary log spam has been fixed. ✔
- Fixed a problem with hat and cane type cosmetics, when clicking on the items in other custom inventories, they disappear. ✔
- Colors fixed in 1.19. ✔
- Unnecessary logs removed. ✔
- Added an option to the balloons to hide their string.
- ItemsAdder Custom Entities have been added.
- Support at 1.19 added.
- When you run the command /cosmetics unequip <player> <cosmeticId> in console it did nothing. ✔
- The option to allow if you want your cosmetic to be exchanged for a token again.
PlaceholderAPI a new placeholder is added to obtain the id of the type of cosmetic they are using.
- In 1.16.x when tapping inside the wardrobe, the cosmetics menu does not open. ✔
- an option to enable or disable whether items are displayed when entering zones.
- ItemsAdder fonts can now be used in the lore and display name of cosmetic items.
- Option to modify the negative space of the panels that establish whether you have the cosmetic, have it equipped or simply do not have it from row 1 to row 6 of the inventory.
- At the moment of starting the server it disabled the plugin. ✔
- when you used the cosmetics with permissions, they were buggy and would not let you use some commands. ✔
- Model Engine models did not stare at where the player was looking. ✔
- In the zones, the location of the balloons was reset every time the server was restarted. ✔
- new option for cosmetics that allows you to hide them in the menu.
- cooldown for sprays has been added.
- In versions lower than 1.18.2 a very serious error occurred when you put on the backpack. ✔
- when using an elytra the balloon disappears.
- A new event was added to the api.
- Serious error when using a spray or balloon in versions lower than 1.18.2. ✔
- upon entering the wardrobe an armor stand is visible. ✔
- In versions lower than 1.18.2 it did not let them open the cosmetics menu when tapping inside the wardrobe. ✔
Important: You need to update the files and if you want to have active sprays you must add the column 'Spray' in your database or delete so that everything is working properly!
- in version 1.16.5 the console spams a lot of unnecessary information. ✔
- balloons with ModelEngine did not work correctly. ✔
- when using ItemsAdder and typing the /iazip command it throws an error. ✔
- when moving too far away from the balloon the rope becomes buggy. ✔
- when you eliminated the Armor Stand type entities the zones(wardrobe system) were broken. ✔
- An error occurs when the player leaves the server while entering a zone(wardrobe system). ✔
- added a new cosmetic type called SPRAY (see how to configure it in the wiki).
- a new option has been added to the balloons that allows you to change the item position.
- added an option to add a texture to a player's head.
- a new menu has been added for SPRAY type cosmetics.
- added more placeholders for PlaceholderAPI(see it in the wiki)
- new messages were added.
- a few more cosmetics were added by default.
- a folder was added to store the images of sprays that you want or use (you can also use them via url).
- a new option has been added to the zones(wardrobe system) to display the SPRAY type cosmetic.
- a new method was added in the api.
- now in the zone(wardrobe system) an entity is used in the client so it should no longer cause any problems.
- performance in event PlayerQuitEvent has been improved.
- the default files have changed with the new implementations.
- the resource pack has been improved and should now not affect when using the optifine client.
Click here to see what's new added in yml files
Click here to see what's new in the API
Click here to see the new options for cosmetics, menus, etc.
Important: update messages.yml and move your cosmetics.yml to the corresponding folder.
- when you move to another world the balloon spams errors in the console. ✔
- when you move to another world the backpack spams errors in the console. ✔
- permission for the /cosmetics command also unlocks commands for administrators. ✔
- the API shows some obfuscated classes for which access is not available. ✔
- visual error when removing a hat with the overlaps option activated. ✔
- balloons with ModelEngine did not work well. ✔
- PlaceholderAPI does not work in the menu. ✔
- you can now create several cosmetic files following the same format in the /cosmetics folder for a better file order. (for those who used the previous versions, you must move your cosmetics.yml to the new folder.)
- In the cosmetics menu, when you remove a cosmetic you have on, the menu no longer closes.
- added an option to make the plugin proxy compatible (experimental).
- added a new command to dye an item without the need of the free color menu.
- a new method for dyeing items has been added to the API.
- messages were added when they hide or show their backpacks.
- added an option to return you to your previous gamemode when you exit the wardrobe.
- permissions have been added to the cosmetics, you must activate the option in the config to be able to use them.
- added permissions to the menus, if a player does not have the permission he will not be able to open the menu.
- Added compatibility of cosmetics with ItemsAdder emotes(experimental).
Click here to see what's new added in yml files
Click here to see the new commands
Click here to see what's new in the API
Click here to see the new options for cosmetics, menus, etc.
IMPORTANT: UPDATE messages.YML is required.
- now the balloons do not look detached from their strap, the height of the balloon can now be easily modified up to 5 more blocks and animate a little more naturally.
- any type of entity can handle cosmetics as long as they can equip them (hats and canes) - API update.
- citizens NPCs that do not have a cosmetic will be removed from the data.
- now you can paint any item that allows it.
- now the balloon rotation (in the config) works without problems.
- now in the wardrobe the complete balloon animation is displayed.
- now the wardrobe bossbar can be edited to the color of your choice.
- now the item that can be painted in the free color menu can be any item (you only have to put in contain-item: null)
- added a display range for backpacks and balloons. (the default range is 100)
- added command to equip a cosmetic in game.
- added option to edit the bossbar in the wardrobe.
- a new option has been added to the title to enter and exit in the wardrobe.
- a command has been added so that you can remove a zone(wardrobe) in the game.
- new messages were added.
- permission was added so that they can open the menu with /cosmetics.
- with the new version of ItemsAdder we saw the incredible emotes and well when entering the wardrobe these are still there, therefore it was added that the emote is deactivated when entering the wardrobe.
- new data saving option (broken). ✔
- when the backpack disappears due to the position of the player's jaw or /cosmetics hide. it does not appear again. ✔
- menu panels cannot be colored with ItemsAdder off_sets. ✔
- in 1.16.5 the overlay option made unbearable noise. ✔
- when you enabled or disabled a zone, the armor stand did not disappear and this generated multiple armor stands so it could cause a lot of lag. ✔
- when reloading PlaceholderAPI the MagicCosmetics placeholders stopped working. ✔
- when you restart or close the server and reopen some balloons remain static and it looks ugly in visual and performance. ✔ Something like this:
Click here to see what's new added in yml files
Click here to see the new commands
Click here to see what's new in the API
Click here to see the new options for cosmetics, menus, etc.
- Some balloons were not deleted when the server was closed. ✔
- the /cosmetics hide command did not work. ✔
- Command to equip a cosmetic to a player from the console.
- Added support for Citizens. So your NPCs can now equip cosmetics!
- Added an option in the config.yml file that will determine how your data will be saved.
- New paths added in messages.yml
See the new commands here.
See the new paths here.
- hats with the overlay option were doubled when removed. ✔
- syntax error with the MySQL database. ✔
- fixed a bug with the token menu regarding the amount of tokens.
- critical error with hats with activated overlay (does not remove the cosmetic when you unequipped, did not let you put on a helmet). ✔
- in the free color menu if you had the inventory full and you closed the menu, the item was dropped but when you open it again it appears again(duplicate). ✔
- A new command has been added (/cosmetics unequip all) - more info here.
- A new path was added in the token menu, it decides if the menu becomes draggable or not.
- Fixed a small bug with the gui in cosmetics.
- a new command added to unlock all server cosmetics (click to see all commands)
- some paths were added in messages.yml for the new command (click to see).
- you can now use the commands through the console.
- a slight improvement in the balloon animation.
- now the npc skin includes its second layer and the cape.
- Now you can set a cosmetic to a specific color without having to enter the coloring menu.
- An option has been added, if the cosmetic item is a player's head, the player's texture will be added.
- [Extra] Taking advantage of the painting menu for cosmetics, we added a free painting menu where you can paint any furniture or item that can be painted!
No significant changes in menus.yml (here)
- Added the paths of the panels in menus.yml so they can be modified to your liking!
see this and add the new paths or delete menus.yml to regenerate the file with the new paths.
- balloon animation did not activate properly when walking/running. ✔
- when you wanted to put an item on your off-hand having a staff it wouldn't let you. ✔
- when you took off a hat that has the active overlay, it would not come off in your helmet slot. ✔
- version 1.5.2 did not detect ItemsAdder placeholders so the menus were broken. ✔
- The animation of the balloon was improved to make it look a little more natural.
- now when the balloon is a little far away it will approach the player faster instead of simply disappearing and reappearing next to the player.
- some paths have been improved, you should check them out here - Wiki
- TrMenu support -> MagicAPI was added to the JS engine. If you want to know more about this check the Wiki.