1.5.2 Mar 18, 2022
Improvements, fixed and more.
- added a few paths in the messages.yml for, the selection frames in the coloring menu and the panels that change color depending on whether you have, don't have or have equipped the cosmetic in the cosmetic menu.
- added panels that determine whether the cosmetic is unlocked(green), locked(red) or equipped(yellow)
- frames have been added to the cosmetics menus, this defines which section you are in.
- a frame has been added to the color menu that defines the primary and secondary color.
- tokens can now be stacked.
- Support for 1.18.2 has been added.
Magic Cosmetics ✨ - 1.5.2 · paste.gg - all file changes are shown here.
- PlaceholderAPI placeholders were erroneous or threw error in console. ✔
- the plugin API was not accessible. ✔
- Entering the wardrobe with a full inventory left you in a loop of going in and out. ✔
- the MySQL database was not working. ✔
- improved balloon movement and animation.
- the token menu will first detect if you have any tokens in your main hand or off hand.
- now if you have already redeemed a cosmetic and you want to redeem it again using the token, it will send you an error message.
- inventory items, cosmetics and tokens now support PlaceholderAPI placeholders, previously it only worked in the menu title.
- improved the resource pack with a new gui in cosmetics and new color item modeldata: 10007
P.S. Sorry for the delay, I love you all very much!
1.5.0 Mar 3, 2022
Added & fixed bugs
- Many messages in config.yml, menus.yml & messages.yml (It is recommended to delete and regenerate so you can enjoy the full plugin experience!)
- permissions to make our gui system more customizable.
- multiple actions can now be used in the gui.
- the option to send a message when you equip a cosmetic.
- the option to choose the game mode you want players to have when leaving the wardrobe.
- a variable inside menus.yml to know if the player has the cosmetic equipped or not.
- option to disappear the backpack if the player changes his yaw.
- 1 new sub-command.
/cosmetics unequip <id> - unequip the player with the cosmetic without using the gui.
- when the cosmetics exceed the gui limit and are rearranged some disappear ✔
- when using ItemsAdder, MythicMobs Premium and Magic Cosmetics did not detect ItemsAdder ✔
- You cannot unequip your cosmetics outside of the wardrobe ✔
- You cannot exchange cosmetics for a token outside of the wardrobe ✔
- a bad path error when removing a cosmetic from the player when they don't have it ✔
- in version 1.17 when you enter the wardrobe without a skin it throws an error ✔
1.4.8 Feb 27, 2022
- hide the unbreakable flag
1.4.7 Feb 27, 2022
additions and patches.
- 3 paths in messages.yml (remove-cosmetic, remove-usage & not-found) remember to add these three paths for the plugin to work without problems or remove messages.yml and have the file regenerated again!!
remove-cosmetic: '&aSuccessfully deleted player cosmetic!' #you can add it anywhere.
remove-usage: '&c/cosmetics remove <player> <id>' #this must be added within the "commands" path
not-found: '&cThe command does not exist!'
- Added 2 extra placeholders for PlaceholderAPI
%magicosmetics_using_<CosmeticType>% %magicosmetics_player_available_<CosmeticType>/all%
- 2 new commands added!
/cosmetics hide - to hide self backpack (other player still can see!)
/cosmetics remove <player> <id> - to remove player's cosmetic
- Now if you are invisible the cosmetics will be invisible like you!
- Added flag to not show tinting on cosmetics!
Before | After
- Temporarily disables backpacks when the player is swimming, crawling or gliding.
- Now when typing a command that doesn't exist you get a message!
- the /cosmetics command will open the cosmetics gui!
1.4.2 Feb 25, 2022
fixed bugs
when you open the menu by command and try to remove the balloon it is not removed. fixed ✔
1.4.0 Feb 25, 2022
Support for some plugins!
- PlaceholderAPI support (menu titles) ✔
- Oraxen support ✔
1.3.7 Feb 23, 2022