
Want to test ManticSwords?

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ManticSwords features heavily optimised, reliable and easy to use mob swords for the best possible price.

🚨 Brief Feature List 🚨
Built in Economy (Crystals) and Shop

First Join Tool

Automatic Captcha System

 8 Default Enchants (EXP Finder, Money Finder, Crystal Finder, Key Finder, Spawner Finder, Drop Booster, Haste and Autosell)

 Ability to create your own commands (& native economy, potions....) enchants directly in the enchants config!

 Extremely configurable configs, messages and commands

Toggleable Autosell with ShopGuiPlus integration and a prices config

Multiple types of Mob Swords

Mobtop and crystaltop leaderboard

Whitelisted Mobs

Custom Drops

Drop Confirmation

Custom Modal Data support

Internal economy can be integrated with ManticRods, MiningEconomy and ManticHoes economy!

Developer API

You can make as many different styles of mob swords in mob-swords.yml, every one can be 100% customised using the provided placeholders and can look completely unique to your server!


📚 Configs:

👨‍💻 PlaceholderAPI Placeholders:

🚓 Permissions:



Join our discord for support!

Once purchased you will need to join the discord ( - to claim your license which is required to run the plugin (license is then put in the config file).


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