+ Added support for EcoBits multi-currency
+ Fixed bug with view command opening overview menu if not owner
+ Fixed translation generation issue
+ Fixed material picker bug where it wouldn't open the picker
+ Updated NBTAPI to fix issue with paper 1.21
+ Fixed bug where players could make a request without specifying the item they want
+ Added 1.20.6 Support
+ Fixed compile error, if you got the updated jar off the support server Markets channel earlier this week. You can skip this update
+ Hot fix regarding pagination buttons being in the wrong slots
+ Resolved a bug with decoration items causing the category layout to become inaccessible
+ Fix bug where you can offhand swap items out of the inventory
+ Update ultra economy dependency
+ Newly created transactions are immediately added to the manager
+ Updated dev library
+ Added option to make new items whole sale by default
+ Added 1.20.2 Support
+ Fixed bug where items would not drop if inventory is full when being removed from category