Global Functions

You can use the following "global functions" with MCJava — they're just convenience methods so that you don't have to write out lots of Java code. If you have any suggestions for new global functions, just send me a PM!

loadClass("aliasNameHere", "my.package.MyClass")
Loads the class "my.package.MyClass" and gives it the alias "aliasNameHere". By default, "bukkit" is an alias for org.bukkit.Bukkit, and "material" is an alias for org.bukkit.Material. REMEMBER: You need to be running your code in a console for this to have any effect.

So, you could run something like:

loadClass("integerAlias", "java.lang.Integer")
val = integerAlias.valueOf("ff", 16)
will make val equal to 255 (java.lang.Integer.valueOf("ff", 16) parses "ff" from base-16 to base-10)

Prints the string to the console. So, you could use something like 

println("Hello, world!")

Encodes the string to base 64

val = base64Encode("Hello, World!")

val now becomes "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="

Prints the string to the console. So, you could use something like 

val = base64Decode("SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==")

val now becomes "Hello, World!"